Gransnet forums


Cat versus beanbag

(11 Posts)
jinglbellsfrocks Mon 20-Oct-14 22:00:50

poor puss

Ana Mon 20-Oct-14 22:15:20

Something wrong with that link, jingl! (At least, there is for me...)

posie Mon 20-Oct-14 22:18:41

Worked for me. Bet the cat wasn't expecting that landing!

Anya Mon 20-Oct-14 22:34:05

Still chuckling grin

ninathenana Tue 21-Oct-14 08:18:20

Brilliant!! grin

kittylester Tue 21-Oct-14 09:42:40


We had a cat that thought moveable beans in bags was the equivalent to litter tray! Yuck!!

MiniMouse Tue 21-Oct-14 12:04:10

Love it grin

Ana Tue 21-Oct-14 12:09:29

OK, I've tried it at work and got it. Brilliant! grin

I wasn't expecting that - thought it would be some kind of fight...

jinglbellsfrocks Tue 21-Oct-14 12:32:20

Glad you got it Ana smile

goldengirl Tue 21-Oct-14 16:38:02

Made me chuckle

henetha Tue 21-Oct-14 17:41:21

Funny! Loved it. grin