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Home made mayonnaise recipe

(7 Posts)
Grannyknot Sun 21-Dec-14 17:45:57

Does anyone have a fool proof recipe? I'm told its easy but I've never tried to make some - DD (currently living with us) has left a jug full on the counter due to 2 attempts at making a brown sugar pavlova (1 of which failed...).

Grannyknot Sun 21-Dec-14 17:46:18

Full of egg yolks that is!

Grannyknot Sun 21-Dec-14 17:47:41

And it's should be it's (I'm so bored with policing auto-incorrect on the Kindle!)

tiggypiro Sun 21-Dec-14 19:53:46

I used to make it in a liquidiser but quite a long time ago. Quantities are not very accurate or measured.
Here it is if you want to try !

Put one whole egg in the liquidiser, 1 tsp sugar, pinch salt, 1 tsp mustard powder and 2 Tbsp vinegar (I remember using malt) Give it all a whiz and then with it still wizzing slowly drip in the oil (olive I think). The more oil that goes in the faster it can go in ie a trickle rather than a drop. Keep going with the oil until the sound of the mixer changes or it is as thick as you want it.

I guess you could just use your egg yolks instead of a whole egg.

The biggest secret to homemade mayo is making sure the oil goes in slowly but doing it in a liquidiser means you can do it quicker than if you are whisking by hand.

Grannyknot Sun 21-Dec-14 20:02:34

Thanks tiggy will try it - I also googled, so all I need now is the confidence to go for it.

jollyg Mon 22-Dec-14 05:11:24

I have just made some.

Suggest you use only the yolk to start with.

Put some warm water in the sink , and stand the bottle of oil in it to warm up ditto the whole egg.

Keep white separate.

I use a stick whisk. 1tsp salt,1 mustard, made or powder, 1 sugar.

I dont add vinegar till end.

Dribble to oil into the egg mix, and whisk well, mixture will emulsify, then you can add the oil a little more generously.

If it gets too thick add in some of the white.

Taste as you go and at the end add vinegar or lemon juice .

Now I have a temp 26 deg so there in no chance of curdling/separating, but in cold UK I always warm oil /egg.

absent Mon 22-Dec-14 05:57:47

I would use half olive oil and half a blander oil, such as sunflower or safflower, so the flavour of the olive oil is not overpowering.

N.b. remove the egg from the refrigerator (if that's where you store them) 1 hour before making the mayonnaise to bring it to room temperature.