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Calorie Issues

(8 Posts)
GeeKay Thu 31-Mar-16 17:22:54


This may seem like an obscure question, but since I’m on a diet I would be grateful if someone who knows more about food than I do can help me here.

The issue I have concerns what appears to be the astounding variation in the calorie count of certain pulses. Red lentils is a classic example – and I mean raw split lentils, not the cooked variety. Here, the calorie count, as stated by numerous dietary websites can range from 104 cals to a staggering 360 cals! Is there something about lentils I don’t know about? Or are dieticians singularly bad at maths and/or have it in for this humble – but highly nutritious - pulse?


M0nica Thu 31-Mar-16 19:56:06

Are you confusing with calories with kilojoules, and ounces with grammes or cups?

Whenever I am looking up calorie values I am constantly having to check that I am comparing like with like, not so much the product, as all the different weights and measures.

I notice you talk about calorie counts for red lentils rather than calorie counts per ounce of red lentils, or per 100 grammes.

GeeKay Thu 31-Mar-16 22:31:59

Sorry, I should have mentioned that in my previous post. Yes, I am referring to 100g measures in all cases. As for the calorie units themselves, I always look for the kcal units - e.g. a standard size can of Tesco Baked Beans contains 87kcal of 'Energy' per 100 gram measure. Hope that clarifies things.

amyweatherly Wed 25-May-16 07:54:11

Being fit is the most important thing. But what you do to stay fit is more important than any other thing. While you are on a diet, you should keep some things in mind and that is you should drink plenty of water, eat fruits regularly, skip one time meal and replace it with oats. And exercise daily for 45 minutes.

GandTea Wed 25-May-16 08:06:50

"replace with oats" well that certainly is exercise, but I'm a bit past that now [grin}

gettingonabit Wed 25-May-16 08:44:12

I know what you mean. Confusing!

Lentils are low in calories. There's only about 200 in a tin of lentil soup. That's cooked weight, obviously.

Dried? Mm..I think about the same as rice. But lentils absorb lots of water when cooked so you get a lot for your money ikwim. Very filling.

Nelliemoser Wed 25-May-16 09:08:30

Are you just talking about standard red lentils? There are other types that may be more calorific.

gettingonabit Wed 25-May-16 13:08:35

GandTea grin.!!