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Free-standing kitchen cupboard

(10 Posts)
GrannyAnnie2010 Thu 25-Aug-16 02:09:20

In the 60s and 70s, we had a kitchen cupboard. It was about 6 foot tall, 3 foot wide, and compact. You could pull out a shelf to use as a work top; hang up your cups on the hooks within; hang your tea-towel on a rod; and store loads of stuff in the different sized units.

We gave it away when we had to go abroad for a few years. I wish I could have one of those now. I've tried looking on the internet but have no idea what they would be called.

Does anyone else miss a piece of furniture which they'd love to have back again?

BBbevan Thu 25-Aug-16 05:37:01

Try eBay Granyannie there are a few on there. A bit battered , but just what you want I think. Put in ' vintage kitchen cupboard "

DaphneBroon Thu 25-Aug-16 05:50:25

Does anybody else laugh when things we owned or used in the early years of marriage are now recognised as "vintage"? Not even from our CHILDHOODS!

cornergran Thu 25-Aug-16 06:56:59

We thought we'd have one in a summer house. Were horrified at the price in the 'second hand' and retro shops. In the event the summerhouse didn't materialise and the problem went away smile, jolly useful cupboards and on the 'why didn't we keep that' list for sure. Although if we had kept everything in that list we would need a warehouse by now grin.

ninathenana Thu 25-Aug-16 07:13:19

MiL had one of those in her tiny kitchen when I first met H. The kitchen was so small you could stand on one spot and turn to the cooker this cupboard or the sink grin How she managed to cook for five and dish up when the drop down shelf was her only work surface I'll never know.
The china that we collected when we got engaged is now retro with prices to match. Sadly all I have left is a jug and one tea plate smile

annsixty Thu 25-Aug-16 07:32:59

One of the ones I remember my friend's mum having, had one of the cupboards fitted with zinc mesh to keep things cool and the other was fitted with reeded plastic instead of glass. I thought it was the height of sophistication .
This would have been late 40s early 50s.

LullyDully Thu 25-Aug-16 07:37:39

Every 'flat' I had had one of those,mostly in green. Can't believe they are taught after, like some of that ghastly 50s clutter.

suzied Thu 25-Aug-16 08:18:57

I love them. Wish I had one like this

Cherrytree59 Thu 25-Aug-16 08:52:58

My mums nearly killed me!!

One morning at a quite a young age. I got up early and decided to get my own cornflakes whist everybody was still in bed.
I climbed from a kitchen stool on to the pull down ledge to reach in for the cereals.
The whole lot toppled forward with a mighty crash with me underneath.
It had fallen in front of the closed kitchen door.
I could hear my mother screaming. My aunt who was staying with us was a slim 16 year old and somehow managed to push the door open enough to squeeze through.
Luckily I had only cuts and bruises
A miracle really as the top was full of crockery and had glass doors. And below was food storage etc.

It wasn't the only childhood scrape I managed to get in to. grin

gettingonabit Thu 25-Aug-16 09:01:18

We had one (didn't we all?). They're fashionable now.