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Page, For those of you who think don't buy it if you don't like it.

(6 Posts)
janerowena Fri 23-Jan-15 14:37:56

I have big boobs. I found them a curse as a young teen. Page 3 was often referred to, flaunted at me and comparisons made. I never did read it or buy it. Just suffered at the hands of those who did. So just because YOU didn't, it still doesn't make it right. To me it was the equivalent of cyber bullying, but harder to prove. I felt humiliated growing up in an age where it was deemed perfectly acceptable for older men, who I felt should be fatherly figures, to shout out things like 'show us yer tits love!' and then laugh raucously as if they had said something clever and hilarious. I used to go miles out of my way every day on the way to school as I had to avoid building sites. I would have thought school uniform made me immune - I was after all only 11 when the waving of page 3 in my face started.

janerowena Fri 23-Jan-15 14:38:16

Page 3!! dammit.

janerowena Fri 23-Jan-15 14:39:01

that's what comes of posting when you are REALLY ANGRY!!!

soontobe Fri 23-Jan-15 16:53:56

I think the open letter is interesting.

If I were you janerowena, I would start this thread again with the page 3 bit in the title.

janerowena Fri 23-Jan-15 17:39:02

You are right. Just having a vent helped though!

Agus Fri 23-Jan-15 18:01:18

I fully understand your anger jane. DD2 suffers a lot of verbal abuse because she has a large bust and I am sickened to hear what some complete strangers feel is an acceptable way to make crude comments to her. She is more than capable of shooting them down verbally but I do know it gets her down at some point having to deal with these insufferable idiots.