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Cutting Benefit deaths

(85 Posts)
trisher Fri 28-Aug-15 13:25:40

According to the latest figures nearly 2400 sick and disabled people died within 2 weeks of having their benefits cut and being told they were fit for work. The government thinks there is no causal link. I don't think that matters. Anyway you look at it this is shocking,cruel and inexcusable. So Cameron supporters justify it if you can.

Anniebach Fri 28-Aug-15 14:05:42

It cannot be justified , I suppose some will say - well they were happy for the last two weeks of their lives if they had found work

What is so frightening is we have this government for five years

FarNorth Fri 28-Aug-15 14:10:39

They probably hadn't found work, just got told to do so and got their benefits cut. Not very happy-making.

Jane10 Fri 28-Aug-15 14:20:40

Maybe their benefits were cut as they were long term patients in hospital because they were very ill? I know that happened to my MiL and it seemed OK to us as she was not going to be coming out.

FarNorth Fri 28-Aug-15 14:25:04

That does seem okay to me, too.
The statistics, though, are about people whose benefit was cut because they were deemed to be "fit for work", which I'm guessing did not happen to your MiL.

trisher Fri 28-Aug-15 14:33:07

I think classing somebody who is dying as "fit for work" is ridiculous. And funerals cost so much. Anyway you look at it it's horrific.

Stansgran Fri 28-Aug-15 14:35:11

Where are the figures from? I would like to know where I can find them and if it's a reputable source. Thank you if you can Trisher

trisher Fri 28-Aug-15 14:52:10

They were released after a journalist requested them under the Freedom of Information act. The government tried to block it

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 15:06:27

This is the website, Stansgran, from the man who requested the information. It took over two years for IDS to release the information, having initially said they did not have the figures.

Lots on it. Do not stop at the first ads.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 15:08:29

Full Fact saying what we can and cannot read into the figures.

whitewave Fri 28-Aug-15 15:21:15

What an ugly and disgusting set of figures.

Questiontime Fri 28-Aug-15 15:47:45

This Government can be accused of manslaughter.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 15:53:40

This is what Corbyn says about them. Those who think he should toe the party line should note that this was one of the times he voted against the Labour government. Blair brought in the WCA.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 15:57:04

Interesting idea, Questiontime. I wonder who will try the citizen's arrest on IDS.

In the meantime there is an e-petition on the government website which needs lots more signatures to have him brought before parliament and explain these figures.

235 signatures in the last hour. The only way IDS can be on trend.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 16:01:22

Stansgran, the rest of the voxpolitical website. I realised the last one came to a sudden halt.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 16:03:11

trisher Fri 28-Aug-15 17:09:17

Thanks for the links dj. Petition signed. Corbyn once again on the right side-amazing man.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 17:22:38

Wow! I have just been on the link I gave about the petition on the government's e-petition site.
Under the petition it gives a link for more details, so I clicked on that, and there was a link to this.

I've read anotherangryvoice lots of times, but what surprised me was that there was a link to this blog on the government website.

Do they want rid of IDS as well?
There is a committee which has to pass these petitions.

Eloethan Fri 28-Aug-15 18:03:57

These people's deaths may not have been linked to the "fit for work" findings (although one might think that the heightened anxiety arising from the pressure to find work and potential or actual benefit cuts would be bound to worsen some health conditions). What matters more, I feel, is that they were assessed as "fit" when their deaths shortly after the assessments would suggest otherwise.

Of course, without a proper analysis (e.g statistically, during the same period, how many working people not subject to the assessment process die unexpectedly?) it is difficult to form definite conclusions. Personally, though, I think more and more evidence is stacking up to suggest that the assessment procedure contains major flaws and cannot be relied upon to identify who is or isn't fit for work.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 18:40:24

That's why the government gave the figures in the form they did, Eloethan.

This is Debbie Abrahams' response.

Last word is "work", believe it or not.

trisher Fri 28-Aug-15 19:20:20

Sorry I don't need any proper analysis. If one person is subjected to this treatment and is designated fit for work and dies soon afterwards that is one person too many. The purpose of state benefits is to support the weakest and most needy and they are failing to do this.

Gracesgran Fri 28-Aug-15 22:50:11

Reading the Full Fact report it shows several things which make this clearer and, possibly, why we do need proper analysis.

1.If someone is found fit for work and appeals they will continue to get ESA while the appeal process continues.
2.As is logical a claim ends with the death of a claimant.
3.The data used in the articles in the papers is collected every two weeks.
4.If the DWP are given notice of a death but no date an estimated date between the two collection dates is used.
5.They would then be recorded as someone ending their claim because of death.
6.They would also be recorded as having died “within” the two week collection period so both having ended their claim and having died. The connection is that the death ended the claim not that the claim ended and then they died in these circumstances.

This is not to say that nobody ever died within two weeks of their claim being ended for other reasons but it puts a whole different view on the figures.

This is what makes me despise sections of the media. I heard a newspaper editor or some such saying, as he reviewed the papers the other night, that they were called the media because their job was to mediate between the raw information and what is published. It sounded like a man hauling himself on to a pedestal when I heard it but, if it is true, and seeing what Full Fact can find out, they are doing it extremely badly. I am so glad people like Full Fact now exist.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 22:58:15

Mike Sivier on Voxpolitical did not like that factcheck, Gracesgran.

This is what he thinks of it. Now I do not know what to think!

Gracesgran Fri 28-Aug-15 23:01:45

We shall have to wait and see. Full Fact may well reply.

durhamjen Fri 28-Aug-15 23:04:12

They do not normally work over the weekend. We'll have to wait until Tuesday. Have to pay them more to work over the weekend!