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I am wrong thinking this but I can't help it.

(53 Posts)
whitewave Tue 31-May-16 18:16:38

I simply can't bear hearing what happens to some of the tiniest children - carried out by the very person with whom they should be able to have most faith.

I honestly feel that I wish those doing those unspeakable things could die.
I know I am wrong but I hope they rot in hell for ever.

ninathenana Tue 31-May-16 18:20:30

It beggars belief doesn't it.

rosesarered Tue 31-May-16 18:22:32

I can't take watching the news about these things WW I flick channels fast.I try not to think about it.As you say, it's by far the worst done by their own parents and carers.I can't imagine what kind of person does this.

granjura Tue 31-May-16 18:26:28

WW watching the news and it is beyond belief that it's happened again. Have the authorities learnt nothing from all the other tragedies of the last few years.

Yes, let them rot in hell. I am totally against the death penalty- but cases like this make me wonder?

nanaK54 Tue 31-May-16 18:32:41

I certainly don't think you are wrong

HildaW Tue 31-May-16 18:35:47

whitewave I too cannot bear to listen to theses stories and had to turn the news off. I know these things happen and there will be lots of people laying blame at lack of official intervention but I just cannot follow theses stories. Most of us try to give people the benefit of the doubt and excuses and causes will be found re the perpetrators but sometimes I think there is an element of sheer evil that cannot be explained, and this is surely one of those occasions.
I do not think its wrong to try and shelter ourselves from such things as long as we try to leave decent lives and perhaps intervene at some level when we see something wrong in our own lives. Even if its just picking up the phone if we see a pet being mistreated or some such similar thing. We have to believe that little acts of kindness or 'doing the right thing' will have an effect.

kittylester Tue 31-May-16 18:36:21

Not many people would argue ww. sad

obieone Tue 31-May-16 18:54:19

They may rot in hell forever whitewave. But they have the God-given opportunity to repent.

The good news for the children is that they will go to Heaven.

But I understand what you are saying.

petra Tue 31-May-16 19:16:28

I don't want them to die. I want them to suffer every day for the rest of their lives.

Marelli Tue 31-May-16 19:34:56

whitewave, I think you may be talking about the terrible thing that's happened locally to me.
Have avoided all the news items as the court case was going on, because I couldn't bear it. Now, though, it's all there......and in our faces. I must've seen these awful people, and maybe even seen that wee soul. So hard.

Indinana Tue 31-May-16 19:45:26

petra you beat me to it. Death is far too good for them - I'd like to know they were being tortured every day for the rest of their natural lives. If that makes me a bad person, then so be it.

Alea Tue 31-May-16 19:50:33

I am switching off too, I simply can NOT comprehend the depths of their depravity.
Perhaps they will get what is coming to them in prison angry.

nigglynellie Tue 31-May-16 20:21:36

It's just completely shocking. I can't find the words to describe how evil these two women are. I'm also firmly against the death penalty, but when DH said they should hang, I found myself agreeing! The father in tears?! Well I'm sure he was, but didn't he ever see this little boy? Couldn't he have at least have tried to protect him? Wasn't there a granny who could have raised the alarm.? Words fail me, it's just SO upsetting.

Maggiemaybe Tue 31-May-16 20:37:43

I couldn't bear to listen to the whole report either. That poor little scrap. I do still believe in the death penalty in certain cases and this is one. I don't believe they'll suffer in prison - they'll be protected by the authorities, whose job it is to make sure they don't. The thought of that little boy being left alone, strapped in a pushchair, in terrible pain, for hours on end - I just can't think of anything more evil.

Bellanonna Tue 31-May-16 20:54:37

I couldn't cope with listening to that report either. Im with Petra and Indinana here and hope their lives in prison are made sheer hell for them.

nigglynellie Tue 31-May-16 21:06:44

I'm afraid Maggiemaybe is right, this vile pair will sadly be protected in prison. They were shocking to two(?) other children as well as this tragic toddler. I don't know, I'd shoot them and happily pull the trigger myself.

POGS Tue 31-May-16 21:09:23


Marelli Tue 31-May-16 21:17:47

I want them to suffer greatly. I want them to be scared to sleep.
I think they are terrified now and for all the protection that may be in place, I'll bet they will be reached in some way.
They'll be on their own, separated and scared.

GandTea Tue 31-May-16 21:24:18

The thing that sickens me about this is that will probably only get 15 years or so and with good behavior be out in 7. Hard labour for life would be too good for them.

Iam64 Tue 31-May-16 21:33:04

I'm another one who can't read or listen to the coverage of what these depraved, sadistic women did to that little boy. I hope they are locked up and the key thrown away.

I also find it impossible not to respond angrily to obione's comment above, that the 'good news for the children is that they will go to heaven'. I remember you in a previous incarnation but this comment is beyond earlier platitudes. That little boy suffered during his short life, to a degree that adult women posting here found themselves unable to hear the extent of the cruelty and terror this child experienced.

granjura Tue 31-May-16 21:36:47

Thanks Iam64- the comment about the 'good news' made me feel physically sick.

f77ms Tue 31-May-16 21:40:12

I was speaking to a colleague who has worked in the prison service . These horrible women who tortured the children (3)and murdered the little one in their care will never have a moments peace in prison . The other inmates will see to that , the type of prison they will be in are for people with nothing to lose by attacking or even killing each other . I am not a vindictive person but I was so horrified by the things they did apart from murder - tying a child to a chair in a room with a large snake all night - that I hope they get what is coming to them .

Anniebach Tue 31-May-16 21:41:49

There are times death is an escape . It is so painful to hear of these cruel acts but it has always be so, just as most sexually abused children are abused within the home or their extended family. The death penalty wouldn't stop these acts from being committed

practical Tue 31-May-16 21:50:25

nigglynellie I always think the same as you, where were the grand parents? On the news it said his nursery reported it, so why wasn't it looked into, if they say lessons must be learned I will feel like teaching them a lesson myself.

whitewave Tue 31-May-16 21:52:01

No I know annie but honestly if I came across someone torturing a child and had a gun I think I would pull the trigger. I simply can't bear it.

How the jury coped I can't imagine