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Keeping Hampsters Warm

(5 Posts)
Luckylegs9 Sun 14-Feb-16 19:22:06

I am looking after a dwarf Hampster for a week. Was getting concerned as he never seems to come out of his bed so I went on line to see if I was doing some thing wrong. The article says that the temperature in the room must not be hotter than 70 and not below 60 degrees. My heating goes off at night, so I am wondering if he has been damaged. He us absolutely beautiful, but he won't let me pick him up, I get him into his exercise ball and he spins found the room, I think he is getting used to me, when I put my hand into the cage he now comes up to me sniffing, so I will keep trying. I will be glad when the week has passed however, as this house gets either to hot or gets cold quickly and if I inadvertently harm him because of the heating situation his owner would be distraught.

Cherrytree59 Sun 14-Feb-16 19:51:22

Hamsters are desert creatures so cool night temp shouldn't bother him
Make sure plenty of fluff in bed.
They usually sleep during the day and play at night
You could try tempting him out with dried banana. They like routine so try at same time every day, soon he could be out waiting for his banana.
If he's not yours be careful of holding him as he could nip you causing you to let go , they are very fast and can get in to the smallest space.
Good luck

Luckylegs9 Sun 14-Feb-16 19:58:46

Thanks for that Cherrytree, I am going carefully with her, she is the prettiest little Hampster and the smallest I have ever seen, so got to look after her.

specki4eyes Sun 14-Feb-16 20:40:23

Are Hampsters the HAMSTERS that are born in Hampshire? GRIN

rosesarered Sun 14-Feb-16 22:54:02

They are expert escape artists, our DC used to have them and it was up to muggins here to catch them ( one was never caught.)They will go into their pile of bedding if they get cold, don't worry.?