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My cat is eating grass

(17 Posts)
obieone Fri 06-May-16 19:06:43

Any ideas why?

Google wasnt much help.

She eats it then sometimes coughs it up a while later, which is normal going by dr google.

Jalima Fri 06-May-16 19:15:36

Our dog used to eat grass, especially in the spring.
DH thought it would act as a purge - perhaps she is getting rid of toxins.

Leticia Fri 06-May-16 19:19:41

My cat ate it when he wasn't feeling well- he was quite likely to be sick shortly after.

tanith Fri 06-May-16 19:24:54

All my cats have done this at some time, it was usually when they couldn't get a fur ball up it makes them sick and up would come the fur ball.. YUK!!

obieone Fri 06-May-16 19:33:11

She does cough quite hard. Almost a shudder going through her.
She seems fine inbetween times, but is looking a little thinner I think. She is only 3 years old, so hopefully will get rid of something, if there is something there.
She has been eating grass and coughing up for a week.

Jalima Fri 06-May-16 19:37:23

I wonder if she has got fur balls inside, then, and it is causing a blockage she can't get rid of.
Or does she need worming? Look round her back end for signs of eggs

Or the Vet? hmm

merlotgran Fri 06-May-16 19:53:13

Sounds like she needs worming.

granjura Fri 06-May-16 19:56:19

Perfectly normal for cats to eat grass to purge themselves. But one of our cat did sneeze when eating grass and got a blade of grass up her nostril- which made her sneeze all the time and got infected. We tried to catch it and get it out very gently with tweezers and it broke! In then end she needed a general aneastetic for the vet to get it all out and stop the infection getting worse!

But yes, worming would be my first resort.

Willow500 Sat 07-May-16 14:34:47

Mine eats it when she's hungry - she also licks things like carrier bags, tiles, the bed head - strange girl grin

MiniMouse Sat 07-May-16 14:48:04

All my cats have eaten grass - and also my indoor umbrella plant! (It's a marshland grass type)

Just as an aside, lilies are toxic to cats - ALL parts!

kittylester Sat 07-May-16 18:44:24

I take it as a sign that I'm late in worming the cat and they seem to stop when they've been wormed.

Anya Sat 07-May-16 21:59:28

Cats and dogs do eat grass and it acts as a purgative, as they usually bring up something afterwards.

annodomini Sat 07-May-16 22:28:19

cat grass is available for those cats that aren't able to go outside to graze.

obieone Sun 08-May-16 08:48:16

Jalima - her back end looks clean

Anya - the only thing I have seen her bring up is the grass.

Thanks for all the comments. I will keep an eye on her. Coughing seems to have stopped for now, so perhaps she has now brought up whatever needed bringing up.

Anya Sun 08-May-16 08:54:47

Obi is there not some bubbly bits in with the grass? This will of course soon disappear, unless you get there quickly hmm & yuk! But you ought to notice the grass looks wet/soggy?

obieone Sun 08-May-16 13:10:40

If I remember correctly, yes.

Judthepud2 Sun 08-May-16 20:02:41

Cats do this when their tummy is a bit upset. All the cats I have ever had have done it. And dogs do it too.

However, if your cat is losing weight, get it to the vet asap to be checked out.