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The Great Gransnet Bake Off!

(61 Posts)
LucyGransnet (GNHQ) Tue 19-Aug-14 10:47:21

We're three weeks in now and feeling inspired. Swiss rolls? We've had a good old go (and paved over the cracks). Florentines? We've given it our best shot hmm And now we'd love to see your best bakes.

Post a picture of your creation (sticking to the most recent episode's theme - last week was biscuits, so up to tonight your bake should be a biscuit of some description!) and at the end of the series, we'll choose a winner who'll receive some rather lovely cook books.

Make sure you stick one of the above signs by your masterpiece, too! Though we'll accept handwritten...minus logo...

jinglbellsfrocks Fri 22-Aug-14 10:30:41


shysal Fri 22-Aug-14 12:29:42

I could post lots of old photos but, having always been a googy-goody smile I shall obey the rules (my offerings in the oven as we speak)!
Pleased to see your posts jingle, was worried you were still poorly, hope you are feeling better.

shysal Fri 22-Aug-14 13:20:58

Pizza flavoured Chelsea Buns, with sun-dried tomato pesto, Parma ham and cheese.

shysal Fri 22-Aug-14 13:22:00

Standard sweet Chelsea Buns.

jinglbellsfrocks Fri 22-Aug-14 19:20:02

Those are the best. (sweet ones)

Pizza flavoured chelsea buns! I ask you! hmm

shysal Fri 22-Aug-14 19:28:17

GCs and I invented the recipe for the pizza ones, I promise you they taste good, Jingle, especially when warm. I freeze them individually and microwave them for a few seconds when they want a snack after school.

Elegran Fri 22-Aug-14 20:02:41

I make cheesy oniony buns. Chelsea but with sauted onion and grated cheese.They are very good (no pic, sorry)

shysal Fri 22-Aug-14 20:04:51

I must give those a try Elegran.

Elegran Fri 22-Aug-14 20:09:59

It takes more cheese than you think. Grate what you think will do, then add a bit more. Most of the cheese and all the onion are spread on and roled up like the sultanas and butter/sugar in a standard Chelsea bun, the last of the cheese goes on top just before it goes in the oven.

Ana Fri 22-Aug-14 22:06:23

That's more like it, Elegran - savoury does it for me every time!

Ana Fri 22-Aug-14 22:07:01

(Especially cheese grin)

Galen Fri 22-Aug-14 23:33:38


granjura Mon 25-Aug-14 20:25:18

One of our girls favourite jokes when they were little- always on the ski slopes:

'How do you make a Swiss roll?'

Easy, push her down the hill.

I like my baking simple and wholesome- no need for all this fussy fancy stuff, really.

Galen Mon 25-Aug-14 20:41:43

My darling daughter is called Venetia and she is fed up of being asked, ' how do you make a Venetian blind?' The questioner could easily have a demonstration!

shysal Thu 28-Aug-14 12:27:27

At GCs' request I had a go at this today. Unfortunately in our haste to eat it, I forgot to include the Gransnet notice! Took pictures of screen shots hoping you can read the date of photos.

LucyGransnet (GNHQ) Thu 28-Aug-14 16:09:50

shysal WOW. No 'bincident' for you then!

shysal Thu 28-Aug-14 16:12:01

No Lucy, I didn't have a melt-down! smile

Nytsom Fri 29-Aug-14 16:34:21

Wife, made me a nice carrot cake :

Nytsom Fri 29-Aug-14 16:54:00

Nice Chocolate Orange Cake.

Nytsom Fri 29-Aug-14 16:56:13

I love cake

shysal Sun 07-Sep-14 17:17:11

Apple Dumpling baked in cinnamon toffee sauce.

J52 Thu 11-Sep-14 17:20:43

Paul Holywood's pear pies x

J52 Thu 11-Sep-14 17:22:27

Clever they hag like stalactites! Don't know how that happened, right way up here! X

shysal Wed 17-Sep-14 08:52:39

Impressive, J52!

shysal Thu 25-Sep-14 10:28:52

Baked Apple Doughnuts. Another after-school favourite of the GCs.