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Pumpkin pictures

(10 Posts)
EmilyGransnet (GNHQ) Wed 22-Oct-14 17:16:52

Roll up, roll up. We wanna see them...the good, the bad and especially the UGLY!

Take a snap of your pumpkin carving skills this Halloween and the best will win a hardback copy of the 'fangastic' 365 Days of Wonder.

We'll pick the winner Friday 7 November. Good luck and get carving!

shysal Thu 23-Oct-14 08:32:12

Does not fit the remit, but thought it would amuse (it is not me in the pic!).

Marmight Thu 30-Oct-14 17:20:53

Made this for 2 small boys at great risk to life and limb finger. My debut as a pumpkin carver!

rubysong Thu 30-Oct-14 22:13:27

Here is my offering. We don't get trick or treater's here as our lane is too scary for them.

rubysong Thu 30-Oct-14 22:14:45

Apologies for the superfluous apostrophe, add by the tablet, not by me.

Scooter58 Thu 30-Oct-14 22:17:37

Not mine but thought this was brilliant

headsy12 Fri 31-Oct-14 18:56:19

this is my effort for this year.

chinichats Wed 05-Nov-14 23:02:25

A Touch Of Magic!

granjura Thu 06-Nov-14 18:12:23

A young friend of mine posted the perfect pumpkin to illustrate how I feel about Halloween. He told trick and treaters quite clearly that they were .... not welcome, or words to that effect ;)

Perfect, lol.

EmilyGransnet (GNHQ) Fri 07-Nov-14 10:56:01

Thanks for all your entries, some fantastic some very funny!

Pleased to announce the winner is marmite you did risk life and finger after all!

Check your emails and send us your postal address asap and we will get your book sent out to you.

Thanks again everyone!
