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The emotional trauma of wildlife programmes

(18 Posts)
Soutra Thu 23-Oct-14 22:02:41

OMG Tonight's "Life Story"
Lttle fluffy goslings jumping off sheer cliff faces and bouncing down hundred foot rocks- getting eaten by Arctic foxes, albatrosses only just escaping Jaws, meerkat cubs faced by a scorpion "lunch" which fought back! Too much stressshock !!

Anya Thu 23-Oct-14 22:20:39

That's why I don't watch such programmes.

durhamjen Thu 23-Oct-14 22:25:12

But the whales were magnificent, protecting their young.

Ana Thu 23-Oct-14 22:46:10

I thought it was wonderful!

Of course wild creatures face predators and have to fight for their lives sometimes, but the programme was well-made and I loved that little jerboa. Will be watching next week as well.

durhamjen Thu 23-Oct-14 22:50:00

Actually, Soutra, I did nearly switch over when I saw the goslings. I wonder how many people switched off then.

Ana Thu 23-Oct-14 22:57:40

What a pity if they did. Nature red in tooth and claw, etc...

Anya Thu 23-Oct-14 23:03:57

A bit like GN hmm

Ana Thu 23-Oct-14 23:05:57


elena Thu 23-Oct-14 23:11:03

I loved the programme. This is what happens. As explained in the Attenborough commentary, life is a struggle for survival to ensure the continuation of the species, and the strongest survive. If the wee goslings all survived, there would be too many of them.

None of that is to minimise the wonder of it all - what a privelege to see it.

Having said that, both dh and myself gasped in shock when we saw the fox...sad

papaoscar Thu 23-Oct-14 23:34:30

I know well that nature is red in tooth and claw, and do not need to be in at the death over and over again of creatures great and small, especially in close-up high-definition and glorious technicolor. I am not squeamish and take violence in nature as read but I do not need to be constantly reminded about it, or regard it just as entertainment. I wish Mr Attenborough would concentrate on the beauty of flora and fauna, and get some better fitting teeth.

henetha Fri 24-Oct-14 09:45:14

This is life, this is nature. Not all survive. How lucky we are to be able to witness the natural world in amazing programmes like Life Story. Beautifully filmed and an excellent commentary by David Attenborough, now in his 80's and still able to share his enthusiasm with viewers. I love programmes like this.

granjura Fri 24-Oct-14 10:33:25

papaoscar- I won't hear of any criticism of my hero David- lol. He is amazing for his age and the most wonderful man.

Yes, I was on the edge of the settee, and had to hide behind my hands a few times. Henetha said just as I would- and can't wait for next weeks programme.

papaoscar Fri 24-Oct-14 11:25:19

Yes, gj, a brilliant chap, but we always end up steeped in gore!

Tegan Fri 24-Oct-14 11:44:50

I missed this programme but have found myself struggling with wildlife progammes recently [never bothered me in the past]. The one that really upsets me is the one where a pod of Orcas hunt down a migrating whale and her calf for many miles, kill the calf and then not even bother to eat it. And another where a pride of lions have taken to hunting elephants at night. I'll check out Life Story and see what my tolerance level is these days.

Marelli Fri 24-Oct-14 11:57:23

Can't watch them - not if there's going to be a killing. I know it's all part of Nature, but I cannot bring myself to watch.

Mishap Fri 24-Oct-14 12:30:36

I'm with papaoscar - life is harsh and based on kill or be killed. Do I want to watch this in glorious technicolour? - no. Why would I?

Charleygirl Fri 24-Oct-14 13:12:27

I cannot watch any of these programmes. I am aware that this is what goes on but I do not want to see it happening in glorious technicolour.

HollyDaze Fri 24-Oct-14 14:27:51

I won't watch them either for the reasons given by others - there are many things that occur in the world as natural but it doesn't follow that I want to watch them happening.