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Twin Sisters; a World Apart

(5 Posts)
Tegan Wed 27-May-15 16:31:12

Did anyone watch the repeat of this on BBC4 last night? Twin girls adopted by two families, one in America and one on a remote Norwegian Island, whose parents only found out by chance that their daughters were one of identical twins. They then kept in touch and the girls have met several times. I do wonder what effect it will have on the girls over time, especially the one in Norway..although imo hers is the better lifestyle I can't help but feel that, when she hits her teens, she will wish she was her sister, and mum and dad will have a rocky ride with her sad.

Jane10 Wed 27-May-15 17:01:31

I'll try to find that on the I player. Thanks for highlighting it.

Jane10 Wed 27-May-15 21:56:38

Just found it. Norway looks idyllic. I didn't like the lifestyle the American twin seemed to be leading. Time will tell how things turn out for them. I hope there will be a follow up programme. Lovely wee girls. Fingers crossed that they'll both do fine and grow up happy.

Tegan Wed 27-May-15 22:08:22

I didn't see the start of the programme last night, but rewatched it this afternoon so I could see the beginning. Must admit to being in tears seeing the amazing way that the two families met by accident; you couldn't have made it up, could you?

TwiceAsNice Thu 28-May-15 07:07:52

I saw it the first time around and it was fascinating bu.t very sad to see them grow to love each other and then have to live so far apart in different countries especially when the cultures were so different. Psychologically I think there will be many repercussions but what can the parents do except try to keep in touch as much as they can they both obviously loved their individual girls it was a real dilemma.