What sort of grandparent are you? Old Skool or New Wave?

1. The baby is tired and it’s nap time. Do you?

2. You’ve been left with the baby and she’s teething. What do you use?

3. It’s the first time you’ve looked after a newborn baby in years. How do you remember all those feeds?

4. What’s the best pram in your opinion?

5. Your grandchild’s big first birthday is coming up. What’s your gift?

6. Your daughter/daughter-in-law has left instructions for you to take your grandchild to various baby classes do you?

7. You’re asked to babysit your three grandchildren overnight on New Year's Eve. Do you...

8. You hear that your grandchildren’s other grandparents have opened up a savings account for them. Do you...

9. Two invitations for Christmas. One from your daughter and the other from your son (which means spending day with difficult daughter-in-law...) Do you:

What sort of grandparent are you? Old Skool or New Wave?

Super Granny

You’re SO hands on, fair & wise you’re making the rest of us look bad. The internet is your best friend & you use it to research new methods as well as retaining the best of the traditional child rearing ways. You could rewrite the New Granny's Survival Guide for us!

What sort of grandparent are you? Old Skool or New Wave?

Utterly Old-Skool

You’ve raised your kids successfully so you're keen to stick with what works, whether it’s a Silver Cross heirloom or a dab of whisky on the gums. Which makes you part Super-Granny part Doctor Spock. The childcare one. Not the Vulcan.

What sort of grandparent are you? Old Skool or New Wave?

The New Old Mash-Up

You’ve really got a handle on this grandparenting lark, mixing up the best of the old with the finest of the new. Whether it’s embracing Baby Yoga with an e-cigarette in your handbag, or feeding the ducks with artisan sourdough, you got it baby!

What sort of grandparent are you? Old Skool or New Wave?

New Wave Grandma

In your day it was the adults that mattered. Now everything seems to revolve around little junior Mr/Miss and it’s driving you to drink (Pinot Grigio. Chilled. Since you ask.) You want to help raise independent little thinkers. Just like their Gran. And you’re doing a great job!