Chicken and goats' cheese salad recipe

Chicken and goats' cheese salad recipe from damealice

egg free gluten free kids can help
Category Chicken and poultry recipes
Prep time15 mins
Cook time5 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
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3 chicken breasts
1 clove garlic (crushed)
Olive oil for frying
Squeeze of lemon juice
1 red pepper
1 avocado
Handful of pine nuts
Mixed salad leaves
Handful of coriander leaves, stalks removed.
Small goats' cheese

For the dressing:

1 tsp mustard
Sea salt and black pepper
Pinch of sugar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil

Handy Hint

If you leave the cooked pepper in a plastic bag until cool the skin should come off more easily.


1. Slice the chicken breasts into small pieces and fry in olive oil with the crushed garlic for a few minutes until cooked. Season to taste with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice and allow to cool.
2. Cook the pepper under a hot grill or oven until the skin starts to blacken. Remove the skin and slice.
3. Dry roast the pine nuts in a frying pan.
4. Chop the goats' cheese into small chunks and slice the avocado.
5. Make the dressing, combine all the other ingredients in a large bowl and toss. It's fine - more delicious, some would say - if the chicken is still warm.

gransnetter Reviews

From: wallers5 on Tue 26-May-15 06:57:56 Overall rating: 0.0
sounds delicious. I love chicken & avocado but I will try your goats cheese recipe which sounds even better.
From: damealice on Mon 13-Aug-12 14:13:32 Overall rating: 0.0