Aka's microwave christmas pudding recipe

Aka's microwave christmas pudding recipe from Aka

kids can help can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Christmas recipes
Prep time30 mins
Cook time5-8 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


125g plain flour
3 tablespoons mixed spice
50g chopped nuts
150g fresh breadcrumbs
225g soft brown sugar
225g shredded suet (ordinary or vegetarian both work well)
600g mixed dried fruit
50g glacé cherries
1medium eating apple peeled and grated
I medium carrot pealed and grated
Grated rind of I lemon
4 medium eggs
3 tablespoons black treacle
2 tablespoons of milk, or stout or whiskey

Handy Hint

This makes a huge amount. I cut recipe in half or even a third. Test mixture is cooked using skewer. If not then return to microwave for further 2-3 minutes


1. Mix all ingredients well in large bowl
2. Lightly grease 3 x 600 ml (1 pint) pudding basins
3. Divide mixture between bowls and cover with plastic wrap.
4. Cook each on microwave high for 5 minutes and leave to stand for further 5 mins.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Aka on Sun 15-Dec-13 17:21:18 Overall rating: 0.0
We prefer this to the normal stodgy Christmas pud. It has loads of flavour and you can taste ingredients. If not sure why not try it beforehand?