Wonton soup recipe

Wonton soup recipe from Merrygoround

kids can help can make in advance ok to freeze
Category Soup recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep time45 mins
Cook time5 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


For the dumplings:

20 king prawns
200g pork mince (half of the small box)
1 clove of garlic
2 spring onions
1 tsp of cornflower
1/2 tbsp of oyster sauce
pinch of salt
ground pepper
1 pack of wonton sheets (usually 30 sheets in a pack)
egg white

For the soup:

Water (use your judgment for how much you need)
Dash of soy sauce
1/2 vegetable stock cube

Handy Hint

Unless you're cooking for lots of people, thirty wonton dumplings is probably too much for one sitting! You can store them in the freezer.


1. Start off by preparing the prawns by de-shelling them and removing the intestines.

2. Once you've done this, add the prawns, pork mince, spring onions, chopped garlic, cornflower, oyster sauce, salt and ground pepper into the food processor. You can add any other bits you'd like to include, too.

3. Blend the mixture until it turns into one clump.

4. Place small scoops of the mixture in the centre of the wonton sheets. Dampen the corners of the sheets with water and bring two of the corners together to a point. Then bring the other two corners together and wrap them around. There are various techniques to folding wonton sheets (you can Google this), the key thing is to make sure the filling is fully concealed and the sheet is wrapped tightly.

5. To cook the dumplings, all you need to do is place them into boiling water for approximately five minutes; they should float to the top once they are done.

6. To make the soup, simply boil the water, add the soy sauce and vegetable stock and simmer for a few minutes. Pour into a bowl and add wonton dumplings once they are cooked, sprinkle some spring onions as a garnish.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Merrygoround on Thu 02-Jan-14 15:05:49 Overall rating: 0.0