Date slice recipe

Date slice recipe from thatbags

egg free nut free kids can help can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Cakes and biscuits recipes
ServesDepends how greedy you're feeling ;) 12 slices
Prep time10 mins
Cook time20 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


12oz/350g dates, chopped
6 tbsp/90ml water
Grated zest of half a lemon

8oz/225g wholemeal or brown flour (I use bread flour)
4oz/100g rolled oats
3oz/75g sugar (I use soft brown or demerara)
5oz/150g butter, melted

Handy Hint

For extra lemoniness you can substitute some of the water with the juice of your half lemon. Or just use lemon juice instead of grated zest. Those slabs of dates are great for this – exactly the right amount


- Put the dates, water and lemon rind in a saucepan and heat gently until soft.
- Combine remaining ingredients.
- Sprinkle half the mixture into a lined Swiss roll tin and press down well. Spread the softened date mixture on top. Then sprinkle the remaining flour mixture on top. Press down.
- Bake at 200°C/gas 6/400°F for 20 mins approx.
- Cool in tin and cut into slices

gransnetter Reviews

From: thatbags on Sat 01-Mar-14 11:02:20 Overall rating: 0.0
I've been experimenting with this recipe and I think a mixture of dates and apricots is the nicest combo – about one third apricots to two thirds dates. Addition of a few chopped cashews works well.
From: thatbags on Sat 08-Feb-14 07:38:47 Overall rating: 0.0
Yum. Small amount probably fine for babies. I expect gluten free flour would work too.