American Jelly

American Jelly from hildajenniJ

gluten free nut free kids can help can make in advance
Category Dessert recipes
Prep timeFifteen mins
Cook timeNot stated

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1pint milk
Half ounce gelatine
3 tablespoons sugar
Half teaspoon vanilla essence.


Put cold milk in a saucepan and sprinkle on gelatine. Separate whites from yolks. Add half sugar to yolks and beat together, then add to milk and gelatine in saucepan and bring to a boil. Beat the egg whites with remainder of the sugar to a stiff foam. Pour the hot milk mixture over the whites, add vanilla essence and mix well.Pour into a mould and put in fridge to set. To serve, loosen the top edge of pudding and turn out onto a serving dish. A creamy jelly will be on top and a mousse on the bottom. Serve with soft fruits of youe choice.

gransnetter Reviews

From: hildajenniJ on Wed 16-Jul-14 10:49:39 Overall rating: 0.0
I love this pudding with fresh strawberries or raspberries, but it is also good with any stewed or canned fruit.