Yeast free Barmbrack (Irish Tea Bread) recipe

Yeast free Barmbrack (Irish Tea Bread) recipe from styles5433

dairy free nut free kids can help can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Bread recipes
Serves4 with two thick slices each
Prep time10 mins
Cook time1 and 1/2 hours

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


325g mixed dried fruit
175g Demerara sugar
150 ml hot tea,
1 medium egg
225g Self-raising flour
3 tsps cake spice (optional)

Handy Hint

I have added cake spice because we love it but you dont have to, you can also add finely chopped dried lemon lime or orange rind if you fancy extra flavour


Soak fruit in tea night before.
Chuck everything in together in a bowl and mix.Transfer into a 2lb loaf tin and cook in preheated oven at 160ºC, 325ºF, Gas Mark 3 for about 1 ½ hours .

gransnetter Reviews

From: styles5433 on Sun 10-Aug-14 11:59:52 Overall rating: 0.0
Sorry the amount of Demerara Sugar is 175 gm
From: styles5433 on Sun 10-Aug-14 11:48:57 Overall rating: 0.0
My children make this themselves as it is so so easy and it is always consumed quite quickly hot with butter! All I do is boil the kettle and put in and take out the Barn Brack from the oven.