BBQ pork belly recipe

BBQ pork belly recipe from MissMaybel

egg free
Category Meat recipes
Prep time20 mins
Cook time60 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
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2 x 400g Marinated Pork Belly Slices
200ml Apple Cider
50ml Dark Soy Sauce
30ml Lemon Juice
35g Demerara Sugar
15g English Mustard
5 x Cloves garlic – peeled
55g Tomato Purée
2g Ground Ginger
Black Pepper


Pre-heat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6.

Put the pork belly slices in a large roasting tin, season with some black pepper – cook for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile finely chop the garlic and put into a saucepan with the cider, mustard, ginger, lemon juice, tomato purée, brown sugar and soy sauce – slowly bring to the boil, stirring occasionally.

Pour this over the pork and continue to cook for another 30 minutes.

gransnetter Reviews

From: MissMaybel on Wed 05-Nov-14 11:46:19 Overall rating: 0.0