Roast vegetable pie recipe

Roast vegetable pie recipe from Ariadne

can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Vegetarian recipes
ServesSix - in theory..
Prep time45 mins
Cook time35 - 40 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


No quantities, because I use what I have, and you can't put in enough cheese!

Roast vegetable of choice, but the squash is delicious! I use butternut squash, courgettes, garlic, a few potatoes, lots of red onion.
Extra mature cheddar, grated
2 eggs +1 yolk
Double cream


Roast vegetables
Cool and blend lightly - leave a few lumps.
Mix in a lot of grated mature cheddar, and a spoonful of Parmesan
Stir in two eggs and one egg yolk, and about 250 ml double cream
Put mixture into a shortcrust pastry case, and top with a pastry lid
Slits in the lid, of course!
Bake at about 200 for about 40 minutes. Test with a skewer - the filling should be relatively firm.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Ariadne on Thu 05-Mar-15 09:18:54 Overall rating: 0.0
Made this up when I bought a cut price tray of said vegetables in Sainsburys!