Tender beef pie recipe

Tender beef pie recipe from Liz46

dairy free egg free nut free can make in advance slow cooker
Category Meat recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep time10 mins
Cook timeabout 6 hours

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cubed beef
plenty of chopped onions
chopped carrots
mixed herbs
tomato puree
worcester sauce
beef oxo cube
SR flour


I use a slow cooker to make the beef tender and then transfer the beef to a pyrex dish, add a suet crust and bake in the oven.

Fry the onions until soft, then the beef and add to the slow cooker with the carrots. Mix some cornflour with a small amount of water (the onions release tasty liquid) Turn off the heat under the frying pan and add the cornflour mix, oxo cube, tomato puree, worcester sauce and a pinch of mixed herbs. Give it a good mix and pour over beef mixture.

Leave in the slow cooker for several hours. When the beef is tender, turn it into an ovenproof dish. At this stage you can save it for next day or use straight away. Top with a suet crust (instructions on suet packet) and crisp up the pastry topping in the oven. I serve with new potatoes and a green veg.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Liz46 on Sat 07-Mar-15 20:42:18 Overall rating: 0.0
Very tasty, tried and tested recipe.