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To think Chemo patients should not be pestered.

(32 Posts)
kassi Fri 02-Nov-12 13:51:22

Went with a friend for her Chemo session. A chap who was a spititual healer, wearing a chaplaincy badge, was approaching, one by one, everyone who was having chemo treatment, asking if they wanted a session with him,(there and then) saying " It'll only take 10 minutes, what have you got to lose?" Am I being unreasonable in thinking that people having Chemo are at their most vulnerable, and should not be approached in this way.

jeni Fri 02-Nov-12 21:55:12

My late husband would probably used some very naughtical/ nautical language mixed in with some engineering anatomical (probably physically impossible) suggestions!

Barrow Sat 03-Nov-12 09:13:35

This is totally unacceptable - but were the staff aware of it? When I was having chemo a woman came into the ward and started speaking to patients about a support group she was running (there was a joining fee!). I was uncomfortable about it and spoke to one of the nurses who told me she had no right to be there and she was told to leave in no uncertain terms.

The staff on these wards are very busy and, quite rightly, concentrating on the patients and may not have realised what was happening

absentgrana Sat 03-Nov-12 09:29:43

I don't think any patients, including, of course, chemo patients, should be pestered in this way.

Bags Sat 03-Nov-12 09:36:43

I agree that this is unacceptable. I don't think making the hospital aware of what was going on can be classed as making a fuss. If I had observed such a thing I would think it my duty to do something to prevent further occurrences of such outrageous intrusions.

granjura Sat 03-Nov-12 15:17:01

Exactly - sometimes we owe it to others to 'make a bit of a fuss' - if it is for all the right reasons.

JessM Sat 03-Nov-12 15:25:47

I agree. Not a fuss. Think of others. Patients themselves often feel too vulnerable to complain. What if he was an imposter who had nicked a chaplain's badge?
NHS is more security conscious than it was, but there is still nothing to stop a confident looking person walking onto an adult ward or waiting room and engaging patients in conversation.