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Face book

(30 Posts)
Annika Wed 22-Jun-11 23:40:41

Is there anyone out there on facebook , I am and it is something I said i would never be on, but to my surprise I have found my way on there and I know it gets a lot of bad press, but I have found a few old friends I had lost touch with, I am able to chat to my daughter who lives any from me and have a little giggle at some of the things that are posted on there.
The long and the short of it is that as long as you are careful what you put on there it can be fun

mollie Thu 23-Jun-11 19:33:28

I'm on Facebook too but only to play scrabble! I've limited my 'friends' to just a handful of people to make life less boggling so probably don't really use it to it's full capacity...

Totrirulody Thu 23-Jun-11 20:26:29

I can't keep up with all the forum (Fora?)! YesI am on FB and I get the most up to date news from it. With their camera phones myDs can now send instant photos. Today was the photos of the shoes of one of my Grandson....he used them to brake on his bike! His mother wasn't best pleased, as the shoes are ruined This is the sort of thing she would forget to tell me when we have our chat on the phone (I live in France), yet it makes me feel very close to the GCs to know those little titbits that makes a daily life. Yes check your privacy settings and whom you allow to visit your FB. smile

Annika Thu 23-Jun-11 21:07:08

I play the games on there and I suppose I must be sad but I have been known to play farmville !

yogagran Thu 23-Jun-11 22:16:52

I use Facebook although I used to think it was a waste of time! I use it to keep in touch with family here and abroad, we share photos etc. If you use it sensibly it can be great fun and instant news. Just think how our parents and grandparents kept in touch with relatives abroad, I can even remember having to book a time to call Canada and it cost a fortune.
I keep my "friends" to a small circle and don't look on the number of "friends" as a competition to see who has the most. My friends are just what it says, not vague acquaintances that have no real interest in what I'm up to.