Gransnet forums


School policy

(30 Posts)
rosequartz Thu 20-Mar-14 09:38:44

Neither would I want someone to be outside school targeting my DGC.

penguinpaperback Thu 20-Mar-14 09:31:09

I would be annoyed if it was handed out by the school.

Nonnie Thu 20-Mar-14 09:28:05

I think you should complain to the governors. That is just so bad.

Are you sure it was given but the school and not handed out outside the gates?

ginny Thu 20-Mar-14 09:19:06

No, you are not being unreasonable. Probably money involved.

dogsdinner Thu 20-Mar-14 09:14:58

... To be mildly annoyed that a full menu flyer from a local fish and chip shop was given out to all children at my GS's primary school. We found it in his homework book. Same school which took a small jelly sweet out of lunch box and sent a letter saying it is banned food.