Gransnet forums


AIBU to think they are asking for trouble?

(54 Posts)
Elegran Tue 14-Aug-18 17:36:40

Then you have people like one of my neighbours (not a close one!) who close all their blinds whenever they go away, to stop anyone looking into their windows. So a prospective burglar doesn't even need to look in, they can see from the corner of their eye while driving past that the house will be empty.

Elegran Tue 14-Aug-18 17:32:09

I think that whenever I see on gransnet that someone is about to go away. They may think that they are anonymous, but a determined thief could work out their address by adding together the details they have posted online, and know that they could break in without interruption.

grandtanteJE65 Tue 14-Aug-18 17:26:36

No, you are not unreasonable. They could just as well stick a notice on the front door, saying "We're away, walk right in and take anything you want."

nicky68 Tue 14-Aug-18 17:24:19

I am taken aback by the number of people who openly post on social media that they are about to go on holiday or are on holiday or what have you. Facebook perhaps is not so bad as long as your privacy settings are OK as presumably then only people you know will see it. But every day I see on Twitter and on Instagram when I go on it people telling the world and his wife that they are away and their house is lying empty. I don't think I am blowing this out of proportion. Only this week we had a letter from our insurance company warning people about this exact same thing.

Do you think that people forget that they are openly saying they are away from hom or that they are just naive at best? The letter from the insurance company said claims will be void if there is evidence on social media where you have told people you were elsewhere.