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Finding the first chapter of a new book at the end of the one I'm reading!

(29 Posts)
Caledonai14 Mon 08-Apr-19 10:28:50

Ohh it's one of my pet hates. I always check what's at the top of the last chapter now. If it says 2 or 3 I know not to be so surprised.

A much better idea in one of the Lee Child books was to add on a short story about the main character. The story was later included in a collection of shorts, but it was much nicer to have a conclusion in the "continued reading" so I didn't mind.

The "start of the new" must work or I'm sure the publishers wouldn't spend so much on the extra pages.

Very unfair though and, if you do give in and read it, takes some of the pleasure from reading the next book when you do buy it.

I want new from start to finish smile.

sodapop Mon 08-Apr-19 10:23:00

Yes I agree and I don't want to read a few pages of a new book either.
The other thing I don't like is authors releasing an earlier book under a new title grrr

Tuppnce Mon 08-Apr-19 10:06:30

I agree - particularly annoying on Kindle

trisher Mon 08-Apr-19 10:00:37

I'm fed up of thinking I have a nice long, satisfactory ending to look forward to because there are quite a few pages left in the book I'm reading, only to find the story wound up in a few pages, and the last pages are the first chapter of a new book. I don't read them. I'm still fuming about being short changed by the book I have just finished. Why do they do it? It actually puts me off the author and the books. I don't want to read one chapter and then have to go looking for the book and I want the book I was reading to have the nice long ending I expected.