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Add to Gransnet's Halloween chain story

(77 Posts)
LucyGransnet (GNHQ) Fri 28-Oct-16 14:39:50

With Halloween fast approaching, we thought it'd be fun to make up a tall tale of our own to suit the occasion...and then decided that we'd be better off letting you lot loose on it grin

So, flex those creative muscles and add a paragraph of your own to our spooky Gransnet ghost story. One paragraph each, and each poster can take the story wherever they like - all you need to do is follow on from the last post. We'll start...

"Mildred (our heroine) was still awake when the clocks struck 12 on Halloween morning. Or, well... They would have done, had they been ticking at all. As she crept around the darkened house, glancing at each set of hands pointing straight up to the ceiling in wicked cahoots, her heart began to squeeze painfully in her chest. Every single clock in the house (and there were many - Mildred was an avid collector) had frozen at midnight."

Your turn thlgrin

Christinefrance Fri 28-Oct-16 15:32:39

Mildred checked again and pinched herself to make sure she was not dreaming, ' ouch ' definitely not dreaming then. Mildred remembered the old book she had found yesterday in a junk shop, it was a story about clocks and their magical powers. Maybe the book will help me find out what is happening Mildred murmured to her friend and companion Betsy the Jack Russell.

PRINTMISS Fri 28-Oct-16 15:59:20

Betsy did not look convinced, it was her job to go down holes and chase rabbits, not walk around a cold dark house when the clocks refused to tick and move on to daylight that must surely come soon to scatter the eerie shadows that were lurking - there, that one moved, and those curtains shook, oh! and the floor creaked, they are everywhere, whoever they are, but why have they stopped the clocks?

DanniRae Fri 28-Oct-16 17:04:07

Then Mildred's blood ran cold - and Betsy ran and hid under the table, trembling. A strange, unearthly moaning noise was coming from the cellar. What's more someone, or something, was climbing the cellar stairs. The moaning continued, the cellar stairs creaked and as the old door at the top of the stairs started to open Mildred threw herself under the table to join her faithful dog. They were now both trembling and suddenly............... shock

Jalima Fri 28-Oct-16 17:25:27

the temperature dropped and Mildred felt icy whispers of freezing air around the back of her neck.

She whipped round but there was nothing but darkness. She fumbled around for the light switch to flood the room with light - but nothing happened

She remembered that somewhere in the kitchen were some candles and matches - but to get to the kitchen she had to cross the hall and go past the cellar door.

The moaning stopped suddenly and Betsy whimpered in fear .....

trisher Fri 28-Oct-16 21:35:51

The whimper stirred something inside Mildred. "Come on , Betsy, " she whispered, "best foot forward." Tucking the trembling animal under her arm she started across the pitch dark hall. Her first step was fine but at her second she felt something strange, the third confirmed her fears the hall floor was moving, was shifting under her feet.

Shanma Fri 28-Oct-16 23:47:38

She thought to herself... I wish I had paid that bloody electricity bill so that I could put the damned light on!

ninathenana Sat 29-Oct-16 00:40:34

But then it came to her 'I did pay it last Wednesday' she whispered to Betsy. The floor undulated and she felt as if a wave was sweeping her towards the cellar door. It took all her strength to move in the other direction, she lept through the open kitchen door and sighed with relief that she was on firm ground once again.
Betsy barked, Mildred peered into the darkness. What was that in the corner ? Suddenly a bright blue light shot across the kitchen just missing her left shoulder and disappeared out the door......

Christinefrance Sat 29-Oct-16 09:06:13

Bravely Mildred and Betsy crept towards the door, there silhouetted in the blue light was an Adonis holding an old clock, the blue light was coming from the clock, oh gosh said Mildred I wish I had worn my best silk nightie.

Morgana Sat 29-Oct-16 10:41:13

Would you like tea or coffee she asked and I could make us some hot buttered toast? She smiled fetching ly at him but he continued to scowl. The clock he was holding began to whirr very loudly whereupon he threw it at her. She dropped the dog who barked loudly and just managed to catch the clock. It felt exceedingly hot and then....

Christinefrance Sat 29-Oct-16 12:54:14

Mildred found herself being transported through the air still clutching the clock. With a bump Mildred landed in a strange country where everything looked blue and clocks were growing on trees and bushes, they were all ticking wildly, it was very scary, Mildred ..........

Juney64 Sat 29-Oct-16 15:49:22

... saw a tall, thin shadow. She turned around and found her eyes travelling upwards, following the shadow. When her eyes reached the top, there, shining its blue light like a beacon, was a huge clock. Unlike all the clocks in the trees, the hands on this clock were pointing to midnight, just like the clocks in her house. 'What can this mean' she thought, looking around for Betsy and pulling up her tights as they had slipped down when she was being transported. Suddenly, in the distance, Mildred could hear the sound of Betsy barking. It was an urgent but eerie bark, so Mildred ....

Teetime Sat 29-Oct-16 15:59:40

Remembered she had her mobile phone in her pocket she would ring for help. She flicked through the aps but all she saw were clocks instead of her usual one. She pressed 999 , a deep voice answered 'tick tock tick tock Mildre time is wasting', she flung the mobile to the floor and sank to the floor in terror.

Juney64 Sat 29-Oct-16 16:49:39

In a moment of inspiration Mildred thought... 'the book!! What about the old book from the junk shop?. The one about clocks and magical powers.' She hadn't read much but she'd read some of the book. She remembered the 'locate your dog' spell. So, she howled like a wolf three times then yelled Betsy's name three and a half times, adjusted her glasses and the next thing she knew ...

CarolineBermuda Sat 29-Oct-16 17:07:22

Betsy came running towards her. But she looked different - then she opened her mouth and Mildred's blood froze. Betsy had wolf fangs and a wolf growl! What had happened to her beloved and faithful friend? A huge guilt washed over Mildred and she almost fell to the ground with the weight of it - what had she done to poor Betsy? More importantly, what could she do to reverse it?

Katek Sat 29-Oct-16 17:15:50

.....but Betsy had other thoughts.....

Morgana Sat 29-Oct-16 17:25:39

The clock in her hand was getting hotter and hotter. It's blue light was even brighter and flashing. She wished she could remember her Mor s e code from her days at brownies as the clock seemed to be transmitting some sort message.

trisher Sat 29-Oct-16 17:31:17

She remembered the short course she had done a few years ago on the Training and Control of Werewolves and other Magical Creatures. Fixing Betsy with a a firm stir she raised her hands made the appropriate gesture and whispered the word she had been taught. Betsy sank to the ground and lay at Mildred's feet her head between her paws. "Thank goodness for old Mr Murchison and the WEA," thought Mildred. She bent to pat Betsy's head, as she did so there came a bloodcurdling scream from somewhere behind her

Juney64 Sat 29-Oct-16 17:46:30

It was Adonis - the scream came from Adonis. He had followed them.
Mildred removed Betsy's Halloween wolf costume. Mildred remembered Mr Murchison telling her that if a clock is trying to give you a message to pay close attention, especially if there are blood curdling screams around.
Thinking quickly, Mildred decided to throw the hot clock at the screaming Adonis (after all, he'd thrown the clock at her). To her amazement...

Christinefrance Sat 29-Oct-16 17:54:43

He swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately, I've waited so long for you Mildred, come with me to the land of midnight clocks. We will while away the hours together in making love and ......

Ana Sat 29-Oct-16 17:58:02

'Not so fast, Addo' said Mildred, clutching her nightie more tightly around her. 'I need to know your prospects before I agree to anything - and are you a dog-lover?'

jenpax Sat 29-Oct-16 18:02:57

Unfortunately there is something you need to know first. At one minute past midnight I turn into a pumpkin! I didn't think you would feel the same way about me if I appeared before you in my true vegetable form so I arranged that all the clocks in the world would stop at 12 precisely! I hope this isn't a passion killer for you my dear?

Christinefrance Sat 29-Oct-16 19:23:58

Mildred realised she was still clutching a clock in her hand,the time was right on midnight, the little hand moved to one minute past, there was a big splat and Adonis was nothing more than a big orange pumpkin. Oh dear sighed Mildred that's the men in my life always a disappointment. Suddenly there was a sparkle and a flash of light, Paul O'Grady appeared in his Lily Savage frock, come with me Mildred he said we will find .....

Juney64 Sat 29-Oct-16 21:28:02

... a new pair of tights for you 'cause those ones have fallen down again! Being a dog lover, Paul immediately noticed that Betsy had gone missing so Betsy and Paul ...

Juney64 Sat 29-Oct-16 21:31:34

oops... Mildred and Paul ...