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ISIS girl

(1000 Posts)
Jane10 Thu 14-Feb-19 10:00:27

What do people think about the young woman who ran away to join ISIS and now wants to return here to have her baby in safety?
I don't know what to think. I'm sorry her last babies died but I'm horrified to hear her dismiss unbelievers' heads in bins as 'enemies of Islam'. Any thoughts?

Mycatisahacker Thu 14-Feb-19 10:04:47

Absolutely not. She pledged herself to Islamic State so in my opinion anyone who does that should be stripped of their citizenship.

How do we know she isn’t a plant? She says she has no remorse! Vile woman. She would be seen by some as a martyr and she could radicalise other young girls.

I have sympathy for the baby but none for her.

My sympathy goes to the beheded people she casually mentioned as seeing their heads in bins.

RosieLeah Thu 14-Feb-19 10:07:06

She is obviously a cold, heartless b****. We must set an example and ban her. People seem to think this is all a game. Are they unaware of the dreadful atrocities these people have committed? She may not have participated herself, but she obviously condoned them.

Missfoodlove Thu 14-Feb-19 10:12:20

No she should not be allowed back.
Why should we fund her lifestyle when she has betrayed her county?

boheminan Thu 14-Feb-19 10:15:46

This news has occupied my head for the last hour.

She seems (to me) to take a very simplistic view that she'll be allowed back into this country with open arms but I think she'll be an Islamic hate target - not surprisingly, she knew what and where she was going and doing when she joined ISIS.

I fear she might have been groomed to come back over here to infiltrate. I'm still mulling this over and find it very hard to wish her the freedom to return to this country to use the NHS and be protected by our laws when she possibly (no matter what she says) still nurtures so much hatred towards us.

kittylester Thu 14-Feb-19 10:17:36

I fundamentally agree that she shouldn't be allowed back but she is still only 18.

It's a huge dilemma as far as I can see.

SalsaQueen Thu 14-Feb-19 10:26:01

She went, she pledged to side with ISI. As far as I'm concerned, she - and any others who do the same - can stay there and get whatever happens to them. I feel sorry for her babies. What a truly evil woman.

Mapleleaf Thu 14-Feb-19 10:27:54

I agree with bohemian.
She might have had her head turned by groomers here before she left the UK and perhaps has come to regret it now, but we can never be truly sure she regrets it, can we?

Riggie Thu 14-Feb-19 10:29:25

She needs to stay where she is. She made her choice to leave and why should she come back to take advantage of the NHS and probably the benefit system as well.

Jane10 Thu 14-Feb-19 10:32:23

I wonder how she feels about the poor Yazidi women.
I feel bad for her. I feel its somehow 'unchristian' of me to feel that she shouldn't be allowed back - but then she sees Christians as enemies if Islam. That's her version of Islam. It's certainly not in the spirit of Islam.
Oh dear. What a mess. I wonder what her family think.

Mycatisahacker Thu 14-Feb-19 10:40:50

But Mapleleaf she says she doesn’t regret it! She has shown no remorse which is disgraceful and quite frankly terrifying.

Why are we so bloody soft! She’s an enemy of democracy and should be stripped of her citizenship just like any man who goes to fight for IS.

Letting her back in sends a terrible message and again she could be very very dangerous.

annsixty Thu 14-Feb-19 10:54:46

No ,no and no agsin.

POGS Thu 14-Feb-19 11:00:34

Bagum has said she has no regrets and I hold no other opinion than she should not return as as a UK National.

I watched a harrowing account of life under ISIS SLAVERY by a young Yazidis girl and she said the Western ISIS women were the cruelest. This young woman for all we know was no stranger to using brutality , torture or possible murder and I am sorry but her age is irrelevant .

Had ISIS still been the force it was would she be wanting to come back to the UK? I suspect not but like other ISIS prisoners they all give the impression it was never their fault, they did nothing, they were innocent .

This girl has no moral compass and has shown a hate for ' the infidels ' which in her mind means you, me , the UK, anybody who does not believe in the Caliphate . Who knows what she will do to continue this hatred of the west on her
return and the ISIS mantra of ' Death to all infidels '

Bagum appears to be sanitized to seeing the beheaded of her enemy and sees nothing wrong in her actions so what is the rational of returning her to British soil? Just because she holds a British Passport? If she returns how can justice be done when there can be no evidence provided but that doesn't mean it is there.

Grammaretto Thu 14-Feb-19 11:01:41

I recall at the time they left, when they couldn't be stopped, they were considered lost and not expected to return.
To be fair she hasn't asked for the interview with the Times reporter. He found her. When asked if she wanted to come back to England she said she didn't want her baby to die like the others did.
I agree it's a dilemma but "let her rot in hell" is probably not the best example for a civilised country to give.
I heard someone on the radio today saying she could be unconditioned quite quickly.

GrannyGravy13 Thu 14-Feb-19 11:01:44

Sorry but absolutely no!!!!

She is a member of ISIS, the safety of 65 million UK residents is more important than her.

I feel sorry she has lost 2 babies, but will this one be another terrorist?

Anniebach Thu 14-Feb-19 11:05:01

Yet we defend girls we think have been groomed

andycameron69 Thu 14-Feb-19 11:06:32

do not let the vile scum back in

they committed the worst atrocities

they hate non Muslims

never back in

MacCavity2 Thu 14-Feb-19 11:09:57

NO definitely no return. Just makes me so cross when people have no loyalty to our country. It may not be perfect but half the world want to live here.

EllanVannin Thu 14-Feb-19 11:15:57

Leave her where she is. We don't wasn't this country tainted any more than it already is. We already have 300 known terrorists living in this country and to accept someone who's radicalised through choice is a danger which certainly isn't worth the risk.

EllanVannin Thu 14-Feb-19 11:16:28


Nonnie Thu 14-Feb-19 11:34:57

She was brainwashed when she was 15, she has known that her friends have been killed in bombing raids and it appears she is unaffected by the terrible things she has seen. Her two children died. So much for anyone to deal with let alone someone so young.

I would like to think she could come back and be taught how wrong it all is but think the effect of that on others would be too much to deal with. There would always be the danger of her radicalising others, she would have to be monitored for many years and the cost of retraining her thoughts would, I imagine, be substantial and could be spent on people who have not done such bad things.

It is a tragedy, she is so young but I think we should be looking at the greater good.

Mycatisahacker Thu 14-Feb-19 11:46:08

That word groomed? Can anyone really be groomed to stand by and not flinch at the sight of a severed head! She wasn’t brought up in a war zone she was brought up in a peaceful country and was a teenager when she left.

Any western teenager who can see a severed head and not be revolted or shocked doesn’t sound like a very nice person to me.

She wasn’t groomed she choose to ignore what she knew to be true that isis regulaly kills innocent Muslims and non Muslim men women and children.

I am guessing she wouldn’t want to come back is isis was winning.

sodapop Thu 14-Feb-19 11:51:17

Good post Nonnie I totally agree. I understand she is young but she has expressed no remorse and seems to think its ok to swap allegiance now ISIS is losing power.

Mapleleaf Thu 14-Feb-19 11:58:34

To those of you who seem to think I think she should be allowed back because she might have been groomed are very wrong.
It is known, however, that some young people are approached in this country, probably by the internet/social media initially, and are groomed and brainwashed to feel that their cause is the right one and everyone else is wrong, therefore the enemy.
She has become hardened reading what is in the report, and in my opinion it would be dangerous to have her back.
Do you know for certain that she wasn’t groomed/brainwashed in the first instance when she was 15? I don’t think you do. However, no, I don’t think she should be allowed back in. She has cut her cloth, so to speak, and is using this unborn baby for emotional blackmail. She is, I think, dangerous.
Well said, Nonnie.

Grammaretto Thu 14-Feb-19 11:59:02

Nonnie I agree with most of what you say but I am quite sure it's possible to be desensitized to the sight of horror. Soldiers do it all the time.
The fact she cares about the future for her child suggests she has not lost all her gentler human instincts.

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