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Collectibles Possessions, to toss or save?

(9 Posts)
Nanamar Fri 03-Apr-20 16:44:04

So I am feeling the need to downsize and declutter whilst stuck at home. We have many things - husband’s collection of sports trading cards for example, knickknacks, etc. that I’m pretty sure our son won’t want. I went through months of sorting my parents’ belongings after their deaths - they grew up during the depression and saved everything they’ed ever accumulated - and I don’t want to put my son through that same ordeal. What do you keep, what do you toss? Neither of us has a home that can comfortable store loads of stuff out-of-the way.

Urmstongran Fri 03-Apr-20 16:46:47

Toss. Definitely.
If a slight tug - photograph the item
Then toss.
Job done ✅

GrandmaMoira Fri 03-Apr-20 16:49:24

The only issue at the moment is that it's a good time to declutter whilst we have extra time to sort but charity shops are closed so where do we put those things we no longer want but are too good to bin? Add in the fact that the Council are now operating a limited waste collection and the tips are shut.

yggdrasil Fri 03-Apr-20 17:01:56

Check on eBay (or Amazon for books) as to what they might be worth. You never know what some people will pay for stuff you don't want.

EllanVannin Fri 03-Apr-20 18:02:26

Flippin' 'eck I'll have to get cracking doing some thinning out as there's no excuse now. It's just making that initial move. My D in Oz would push me-----she's ruthless and would waste no time in clearing everywhere. No tat antiques in her place.

SalsaQueen Fri 03-Apr-20 18:04:34

The only things I keep are photographs and a few Mother's Day/birthday/Christmas cards from my sons (for the past 6 years)

watermeadow Fri 03-Apr-20 18:31:17

I’m no hoarder but must warn fellow-chucker -outers to check with their kids first.
I kept a box of old toys under the spare bed for 15 years after my children had left home. Then I threw some of them out.
One of my daughters was absolutely distraught and has never forgiven me for sending her beloved dolls to landfill.

Chestnut Fri 03-Apr-20 18:41:24

I think you have to consider if the item was a personal memento of someone that the grandchildren might like in the future. I have a trunk full of such items and it's good to have them stored together. My great grandmother's silver teapot (maybe 100 years old), my fathers WW2 items, my mothers 1940s shoes, lots of things. I have listed everything I consider an heirloom and am trying to throw most other things out that I don't need or use. Taking a photo before throwing is a wonderful way to remember the item.

M0nica Fri 03-Apr-20 20:10:05

Don't toss, sell. ebay, Gumtree, Freegle, Charity shop, your local household auction rooms. We have sold no end of stuff at auction recently. Sometimes only got £5 or £10 for anything, but one ot two items went up to £40 and £50, to my amazement. In one case I got more at auction than I paid for it, also second hand.