Gransnet forums


WARNING.....Driving Licence Scam

(2 Posts)
overthehill Fri 23-Oct-20 09:29:09

Some of you, like me might need to renew your driving licence. I have done this and received my new one.

I received an email the other day purporting to be from DVLA telling me the following:

"DVLA routine check has found some irregularities in your current profile, which indicates that the information given is no longer accurate or up to date.
You are required to update your profile to its latest form to avoid termination of your monitoring license."

Now notwithstanding they cannot spell licence, plus it's a motor licence, not 'monitoring', why would they have a query but still send me a new licence?

I have forwarded the email to:

[email protected]

Which you should do to if you get one.

I guess the scammers have hacked into DVLA database

Witzend Fri 23-Oct-20 09:39:26

I read somewhere recently that spelling errors in scams may be deliberate, because people who don’t spot them instantly (and so see SCAM!) are more likely to be taken in. So a sort of initial weed-out of likely victims.

That had never occurred to me, but it does makes sense - and is another argument against those people who like to say that nobody cares about correct spelling any more.