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Morning Troops - Stretch Marks

(12 Posts)
Huguenot Mon 19-Apr-21 09:56:58

Couldn't decide whether I should post this on Chats or Health. Plumped for this area.

I had stretch marks with all 3 pregnancies, but they faded to faint silver lines by my mid 30s. The odd thing is they're back with a vengeance, and I think I can see similar marks coming on the tops of my thighs. First noticed about 3 months ago.

I have an old surgical "overhang" from awkward stitching after hysterectomy (not moaning - saved my life). However, this has never resulted in livid stretch marks in the past. Also, I haven't gained weight.

Can't understand it. I wonder if this is a common thing as aging progresses?

Any ideas?

vampirequeen Mon 19-Apr-21 09:59:58

Perhaps it is a result of aging. Don't hate them. See them as signs that you lived your life rather than just passing time. The same goes for wrinkles, saggy bits etc.

vampirequeen Mon 19-Apr-21 10:00:36

Sorry don't hate them was a bit strong because you don't.

Huguenot Mon 19-Apr-21 11:03:04

At first I just thought they were honourable marks. You know, 3 (+ miscarriage) ... Now, it's just so weird they're on their way back. Mystified.

EllanVannin Mon 19-Apr-21 11:10:51

It's the weight gain that'll make them more prominent. You can't do anything about it really. Weight anywhere on the body will create them as they form when the body's stretched.

EllanVannin Mon 19-Apr-21 11:12:49

N.B. when the skin is stretched.

Huguenot Mon 19-Apr-21 12:54:47

... but, as I said, I haven@t gained weight.

Huguenot Mon 19-Apr-21 12:55:21

ooops. haven't

Peasblossom Mon 19-Apr-21 12:58:51

I think it’s just that our skin’s getting thinner and less elastic ?

The equivalent of face wrinkles ?

vampirequeen Mon 19-Apr-21 14:36:13

I know they're not stretchmarks but I have a lot of scars on my arm and some of them have become more obvious recently. Perhaps it is an age thing.

ExD Mon 19-Apr-21 14:44:03

I think its the skin thinning development too. Sad, but nothing to be done about it, do you (did you) do much sunbathing?

I was interested to hear of your 'overhang' - Join the gang there's a lot of us about. When I mentioned it I was told not to be vain, I didn't have the confidence to fight back at the time.

downtoearth Wed 21-Apr-21 17:19:30

I have the overhang also 2 c sections and hysterectomy, havent noticed stretch marks ,although only had a few.