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Let's hear it for the doggies!

(77 Posts)
Newatthis Tue 04-May-21 16:23:42

I love it that someone has thought of this but whether the dogs will enjoy the menu is debatable.

The names are great though :- Beef Doguignon, Earl Greyhound, Mutt Roast and finished off with a Tailwagger Creek cocktail- Can we think of any more?

AGAA4 Tue 04-May-21 16:27:33

Bloodhound Mary?

SueDonim Tue 04-May-21 16:29:01

When some people have to use food banks to get enough to eat? hmm This kind of thing is to satisfy owners, not dogs.

Ellianne Tue 04-May-21 16:29:33

Chicken ciuhuha mein

muse Tue 04-May-21 18:23:23

Border Collieflower cheese

3dognight Tue 04-May-21 19:43:17


As in ‘Answer smash’ onHouse ofGames with Richard Osman.

Smileless2012 Tue 04-May-21 19:45:46

Pekingese duck

Urmstongran Tue 04-May-21 20:13:19

Walnut Whippets.

Ellianne Tue 04-May-21 20:16:51

Labradoodle noodles.

Urmstongran Tue 04-May-21 20:18:50

I’m still thinking ?

Washerwoman Tue 04-May-21 20:20:52

Springer roll spaniels

Ro60 Tue 04-May-21 20:23:39

So clever - can't come up with one yet ...

Urmstongran Tue 04-May-21 20:25:46

Crêpes Sazukiettes.

Urmstongran Tue 04-May-21 20:27:45

Bernese sauce.

Ellianne Tue 04-May-21 20:28:34

Great Danish pastry with whippet cream.

Urmstongran Tue 04-May-21 20:28:38

Clumber-land sausage.

I’m on a roll here ... ??

Grandmadinosaur Tue 04-May-21 20:33:37

Terrieryaki sauce

Ellianne Tue 04-May-21 20:40:42

Bichon frisee lettuce.

Urmstongran Tue 04-May-21 20:49:38

Black poodling.

Ellianne Tue 04-May-21 20:50:05

Weimaraner banana fritters.

sodapop Tue 04-May-21 20:51:10

Yorkshire terrier pudding

Gwenisgreat1 Wed 05-May-21 07:39:24

Scroungers delight

grandmajet Wed 05-May-21 07:46:52

Smoothie haired terrier

Urmstongran Wed 05-May-21 07:48:27

These are so funny! I had to have another peek!

Ellianne Wed 05-May-21 07:49:32

Sausage dog in the hole