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Camera close ups of people's lips & face!

(3 Posts)
Nonogran Tue 11-May-21 15:27:25

There's a thread on here about people cleaning their teeth on camera. Some find it unpalatable to watch. I'm not too troubled by that.

My issue is with camera operators say for example during a documentary interview, offering the viewer a real close up of the interviewees mouth or face. It brings to mind an interview, ages ago, with Gordon Brown. (There's been others since.) The camera zoned in on his chin & mouth stubble and, wait for it, a creamy pustule in the greasy crease between his nose to cheek. I had to lie down in a darkened room! Turned my stomach.

Grannybags Tue 11-May-21 15:30:42


Now that most TV interviews are done via Zoom there have been a lot of up the nose shots. I'm always saying "lift your camera up a bit!"

Chestnut Tue 11-May-21 15:35:59

The high, sharp quality of TV pictures now means everything is visible. Once upon a time it was grainy black and white on a small screen and you would never see any details on a person's face. ? They should remember that and keep their distance!