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I would make a lousy heroine in a book.

(33 Posts)
Liz08 Mon 19-Mar-18 19:43:58

Irritatingly, I have recently noticed that all the main people in the books I like to read (usually crime fiction) loose their appetite at the 'drop of a hat' no matter what happens in the story. They then quickly become gaunt or noticeably thinner to all their friends/lover(s)/colleagues.
Maybe it's just me but I could easily grab a snack wherever I am and still get to the crime scene - maybe that's why I'm overweight..... blush.
How do I do 'The Crime Scene' diet?

Marydoll Mon 19-Mar-18 19:48:53

I don't know either, but if you do find out, I would be willing to give it a go grin

Alima Mon 19-Mar-18 20:00:43

Find a body? Or read Ellie Griffiths’ Ruth Galloway series. Ruth is my kind of heroine, extra stones included.

Jalima1108 Mon 19-Mar-18 20:38:05

Anxiety makes me eat more

NanKate Mon 19-Mar-18 21:09:31

Elly Griffith books brilliant and her heroine is what my DH would call Rubenesque ? in fact Elly is no slim Jim and neither am I.

GrandmaMoira Mon 19-Mar-18 21:46:59

I don't read crime fiction, but most heroines in novels are quite young so it's easier to stay slim pre-menopause. I must admit, I was always skinny pre-menopause and would lose my appetite if I was stressed. I still eat less when stressed but unfortunately the weight continues to go up!

Grannybags Mon 19-Mar-18 21:52:54

The first thing I do when I'm stressed in make a cup of tea and tea is too wet without biscuits.....!

M0nica Mon 19-Mar-18 22:44:12

Under stress I want a sandwich.

Marydoll Mon 19-Mar-18 22:50:43

Grannybags, never mind the biscuits, what about tea and CHOCOLATE?

pensionpat Mon 19-Mar-18 23:11:47

I'm more like Vera

sodapop Tue 20-Mar-18 08:19:55

I eat when I'm sad,stressed,happy I wish it could be the other way round.
I love the Elly Griffiths Ruth Galloway series as well, such a normal heroine.

Greyduster Tue 20-Mar-18 09:32:38

I eat more when I’m grumpy and like my favourite fiction heroine - Adelia Aguilar, Henry the Second’s fictional medieval coroner - I am grumpy most of the time. She’s unkempt, clever, courageous, and a single mother. But if you had seen some of the things she came across in the course of her investigations, you probably wouldn't want to eat again!

ReadyMeals Tue 20-Mar-18 09:57:57

A lot of modern fiction isn't researched at all for realism, the cliches just come straight from whatever modern fiction they themselves read before deciding to write their own. There is an entire cultural tradition behind art forms that is not a reflection of real life in modern times. That is why when a child first starts drawing houses there is always a window in each corner and the door in the middle of the front, regardless whether or not he has ever seen a real house that looks like that. That is because invariably that is how we showed a child to draw a house - even though we have never lived in one like it either - it's the way we were first taught to draw a house as kids. With fiction novels I think similar principles apply.

grandMattie Tue 20-Mar-18 09:59:43

Look no further... Vera - in the books. She is fat, ugly and with terrible skin as she suffers badly from eczema; but - a mind like a rapier!

jacqui67 Tue 20-Mar-18 10:34:11

I dont seem to need a reason to reach for snacks crisps are my biggest downfall or fresh bread with butter, it seems to happen regardless the GC are home the film just starting settling down with a book going to do some research on computer, its 3 hour till evening meal the list goes on and on.

Quietdragon Tue 20-Mar-18 11:16:12

I eat whilst stressed and as this is most of the time I am overweight.
However when devastated (when I got divorced,my Mum had a stroke,daughter was very ill) I lose my appetite completely but then of course I cannot enjoy being thin because of the worry.

marionk Tue 20-Mar-18 11:17:10

I would make a lousy heroine because I would NEVER go in that house/room/cellar without adequate lighting and someone to hold my hand ?

Grannybags Tue 20-Mar-18 11:23:51

Marydoll grin

LuckyFour Tue 20-Mar-18 11:38:07

Greyduster - I do like the sound of the Adelia Aguilar books, do you have a title or perhaps the author's name please.

Nanny27 Tue 20-Mar-18 11:58:42

That's interesting Ready meals. Probably the same reason that tiny children say nee nar for emergency vehicles despite the fact that they haven't made that sound in years.

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 20-Mar-18 12:34:30

If I'm stressed I rarely give up on food. Even when I'm ill so I'm in the same boat.

grandtanteJE65 Tue 20-Mar-18 12:39:39

Mma Ramotswe is a traditionally built African woman to quote her own words. If you haven't already met her then hurry to find a copy of The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith

Jalima1108 Tue 20-Mar-18 13:00:14

I knew there was a reason I like her!!

Jalima1108 Tue 20-Mar-18 13:00:28

why I like her!

chicken Tue 20-Mar-18 16:53:47

Luckyfour---I think those are the books by Ariana Franklin ( pseudonym of Diana Norman) wife of Barry Norman, sadly both dead now. They are brilliant. I've just re-read the first of the series, "Mistress of the Art of Death", and enjoyed it as much as at the first reading. My favourite book ever is" The Vizard Mask", written under her real name, set in the time of the plague and the Restoration. It's out of print now, but there are sometimes copies secondhand on Amazon.