Gransnet forums


I don’t know who I am

(35 Posts)
Lfranc72 Thu 04-Jul-19 18:33:13

I am 72 and have been married for 39 years.

Starlady Fri 05-Jul-19 13:29:12

Sorry if you're feeling confused, Lfranc. You know your age and marital status. What else can you tell us about yourself?

Norah Fri 05-Jul-19 13:53:19

I wonder what you meant? I'm a wife, mother, daughter, friend. Perhaps if you expand and expound to your post?

NanaandGrampy Fri 05-Jul-19 14:12:32

I know exactly who I am- why do you think you don't LFranc?

Gonegirl Fri 05-Jul-19 15:53:29

Do you have children Lfranc? Grandchildren?

You've been married for 39 years. That's an achievement not everyone attains. smile

lemongrove Fri 05-Jul-19 19:31:55

Maw...grin that’s what I thought too.

Alexa Sat 06-Jul-19 18:54:32

Quite a few grans here define themselves by kinship relations. Maybe younger women, and men, more often define themselves by their paid work. Maybe people don't talk about how in their heart of hearts they define themselves.

Dawn22 Sat 06-Jul-19 23:16:53

Writer, musician, mother, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, friend, philosopher, keeper of home fires burning, working for justice and amongst other things lover of going to sleep every night.
Just glimpses of me.

LullyDully Sun 07-Jul-19 08:19:02

( maybe the OP has just finished some important exams!!)?

lemongrove Sun 07-Jul-19 08:45:22

Or was on the wrong thread/forum?