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Narcissistic Mother

(28 Posts)
Jovial Tue 24-Sep-19 14:16:06

Hello there.

I am hoping for some mature advice from others who have a narcissistic mother. I think it is time to cut her out of my life.
To keep it as brief as possible, my mother is a cruel and selfish woman who has destroyed my life and my health. My children refuse to have anything to do with her.
Recently, my mother began to call me daily to scream at me that I was turning her grandchildren against her. They are adults and I can no longer force them to be around her. I also started receiving calls from other family members calling me cruel and accusing me of saying things to my mother and about them that were actually things she said to me and to me about them. I have been accused of using my children as a weapon and told that they will tell my children the truth about me, although I do not know what that is.
This ended up with a hospital stay and an operation to stop a bleeding ulcer which my doctor thinks is a result of stress.
My children want me to walk away despite the risk of losing family members. I have lived a few hours travel away from my family for most of my adult life and the relationships have been distant. I visit my mother often at great expense, she has never set foot in my home.
I am torn. I need to know if it is the right thing to do and what may happen if I cut her off. Are there ramifications from cutting off a narcissistic mother? Are there positive gains to be made? I have searched for answers, but I feel I need a real conversation.

Thank you in advance.


Persistentdonor Fri 11-Oct-19 11:43:20

Jovial and anyone else with a narcisistic mother, I really can empathise as I had the same, however, for my own sanity I did "keep the channels open" by phoning infrequently, and sending appropriate (though never gushing,) cards and small gifts, as the calendar decreed.

Despite assuming I would feel nothing when she died, I was greatly surprised to be hit quite hard, and to have a lengthy re-adjustment process. However, I do believe I suffered less than my siblings who had cut relations with her entirely.

As other posters have suggested, for your own well being definitely set parameters and keep your distance, but I would urge you to "keep the channels open" just a little way.


Amagran Fri 11-Oct-19 11:57:37

I cannot add to the very sensible advice given above, Jovial, but I do wish you sympathy and all the best in dealing with this difficult situation. Do look after yourself.