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(1000 Posts)
Jangran99 Mon 30-Apr-18 18:46:12

New starter

We seem to enjoy writing rhyme

Jangran99 Mon 30-Apr-18 18:59:20

We seem to enjoy writing rhyme
But it's taking up a lot of my time

Barberdice Mon 30-Apr-18 22:13:21

We seem to enjoy writing rhyme
But it's taking up a lot of my time
Its so very addictive

Jangran99 Mon 30-Apr-18 22:56:28

We seem to enjoy writing rhyme
But it's taking up a lot of my time
Its so very addictive
In limerick form ,prescriptive

Panache Tue 01-May-18 08:50:29

We seem to enjoy writing rhyme
But it's taking up a lot of my time
Its so very addictive
In limerick form ,prescriptive
But it keeps our mind in its prime

With it being a bright and sunny may day

FarNorth Tue 01-May-18 09:00:20

With it being a bright and sunny may day
My dachshund and alsatian are both out to play

Elrel Tue 01-May-18 10:44:19

With it being a bright and sunny may day
My dachshund and alsatian are both out to play
They love to run free

Panache Tue 01-May-18 11:17:25

With it being a bright and sunny may day
My dachshund and alsatian are both out to play
They love to run free
Thus happy as can be

Bellanonna Tue 01-May-18 12:11:44

With it being a bright and sunny may day
My dachshund and alsatian are both out to play
They love to run free
Thus happy as can be
As the old adage says: while the sun ☀️ shines, make hay.

Some children go happily to school

Panache Tue 01-May-18 13:36:54

Some children go happily to school
In the language today thinking its "cool"

nanna123 Tue 01-May-18 14:22:19

in their classrooms they sit
doing Maths and E Lit
When they'd rather be playing the fool!

As I sat by the lake -

nanna123 Tue 01-May-18 14:23:59

Eating crisps and cream cake

henetha Tue 01-May-18 14:42:19

As I sat by the lake eating crisps and cream cake,
I felt the ground tremble just like an earthquake

FarNorth Tue 01-May-18 15:03:33

As I sat by the lake eating crisps and cream cake,
I felt the ground tremble just like an earthquake
From the water, there came.....

henetha Tue 01-May-18 15:05:36

As I sat by the lake eating crisps and cream cake,
I felt the ground tremble just like an earthquake
From the water, there came.....
Something too evil to name

Panache Tue 01-May-18 16:26:16

As I sat by the lake eating crisps and cream cake,
I felt the ground tremble just like an earthquake
From the water, there came.....
Something too evil to name
Pleased to add that actually it was all rather fake.

In the cool of an evening, just before sun sets

Squiffy Tue 01-May-18 20:03:26

In the cool of an evening, just before sun sets
We'll sup our Pimms and peruse Debretts

Barberdice Tue 01-May-18 21:51:42

In the cool of an evening, just before sun sets
We'll sup our Pimms and peruse Debretts
We'd ask you to join us

FarNorth Tue 01-May-18 23:37:19

In the cool of an evening, just before sun sets
We'll sup our Pimms and peruse Debretts
We'd ask you to join us
If you find the right bus

Jangran99 Tue 01-May-18 23:47:28

In the cool of an evening, just before sun sets
We'll sup our Pimms and peruse Debretts
We'd ask you to join us
If you find the right bus
Please wear your whites, we'll be down at the nets

I know what you're thinking,I'm some kind of toff

travelsafar Wed 02-May-18 06:38:58

I know what you're thinking,I'm some kind of toff
At some of my rhymes you may scoff

Panache Wed 02-May-18 09:30:50

I know what you're thinking,I'm some kind of toff
At some of my rhymes you may scoff
But frankly I am just little ole me

henetha Wed 02-May-18 10:28:17

I know what you're thinking,I'm some kind of toff
At some of my rhymes you may scoff
But frankly I am just little ole me
Although I do love cocktails at three

Panache Wed 02-May-18 10:48:33

I know what you're thinking,I'm some kind of toff
At some of my rhymes you may scoff
But frankly I am just little ole me
Although I do love cocktails at three
But then at lunch time I just tuck into my broth.

With sunshine the forecaste for our Mayday treats

Squiffy Wed 02-May-18 10:48:48

I know what you're thinking,I'm some kind of toff
At some of my rhymes you may scoff
But frankly I am just little ole me
Although I do love cocktails at three
I'm careful how many I quaff.

Today is a day for hot soup

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