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(1000 Posts)
FarNorth Sat 29-Sep-18 09:05:11

There was an old codger with piles
Who found a cure in some very old files
A large bar of soap

Jangran99 Sat 29-Sep-18 09:09:34

There was an old codger with piles
Who found a cure in some very old files
A large bar of soap
Attached to a rope

Panache Sat 29-Sep-18 09:48:28

There was an old codger with piles
Who found a cure in some very old files
A large bar of soap
Attached to a rope
Meant he ended his day with big smiles!

Autumn mellowness spreads across our land

henetha Sat 29-Sep-18 09:49:42

There was an old codger with piles
Who found a cure in some very old files
A large bar of soap
Attached to a rope
Made him slip and slide for miles.

My blue rowing boat has red rowlocks

Squiffy Sat 29-Sep-18 10:07:50

My blue rowing boat has red rowlocks
And holes caused by hitting some sharp rocks

Jangran99 Sat 29-Sep-18 10:17:45

My blue rowing boat has red rowlocks
And holes caused by hitting some sharp rocks
I pray we don't sink

Squiffy Sat 29-Sep-18 11:13:41

My blue rowing boat has red rowlocks
And holes caused by hitting some sharp rocks
I pray we don't sink
But somehow I think

Jangran99 Sat 29-Sep-18 18:51:35

My blue rowing boat has red rowlocks
And holes caused by hitting some sharp rocks
I pray we don't sink
But somehow I think
Our navigation is b___ocks?

Some language is out of the gutter

FarNorth Sat 29-Sep-18 22:17:37

Some language is out of the gutter
And causes my lashes to flutter

Luckygirl Sat 29-Sep-18 22:24:26

Some language is out of the gutter
And causes my lashes to flutter
I sigh and I blush

Flossieturner Sat 29-Sep-18 22:53:29

Some language is out of the gutter
and causes my lashes to flutter
I sigh and I blush.
Then beg them to Shush

Jangran99 Sun 30-Sep-18 06:19:20

Some language is out of the gutter
and causes my lashes to flutter
I sigh and I blush.
Then beg them to Shush
"There are better adjectives, "I mutter.

There was a young laddie from Preston

travelsafar Sun 30-Sep-18 06:26:05

There was a young laddie from Preston
Who was always asking a question

Jangran99 Sun 30-Sep-18 07:15:18

There was a young laddie from Preston
Who was always asking a question,
It was "why?", "when?" or "how?",

FarNorth Sun 30-Sep-18 08:30:05

There was a young laddie from Preston
Who was always asking a question,
It was "why?", "when?" or "how?",
Or "What happens now?"

henetha Sun 30-Sep-18 16:30:53

There was a young laddie from Preston
Who was always asking a question,
It was "why?", "when?" or "how?",
Or "What happens now?"
His questions give me indigestion!

I prefer his young cousin from Bristol

Jangran99 Sun 30-Sep-18 23:06:33

I prefer his young cousin from Bristol,
But don't let him near your best crystal

FarNorth Mon 01-Oct-18 00:50:15

I prefer his young cousin from Bristol,
But don't let him near your best crystal
With buttery fingers

Panache Mon 01-Oct-18 09:48:43

I prefer his young cousin from Bristol,
But don't let him near your best crystal
With buttery fingers
That always lingers

henetha Mon 01-Oct-18 10:04:49

I prefer his young cousin from Bristol,
But don't let him near your best crystal
With buttery fingers
That always lingers,
I'll threaten him with my toy pistol!

Sunshine here, on the first of October

travelsafar Tue 02-Oct-18 06:33:59

Sunshine here, on the first of October
Maybe the last day of using the mower!!

Panache Tue 02-Oct-18 10:05:51

Sunshine here, on the first of October
Maybe the last day of using the mower!!
For the lucky few indeed,

henetha Tue 02-Oct-18 10:39:06

Sunshine here, on the first of October
Maybe the last day of using the mower!!
For the lucky few indeed,
Hopefully not a single weed

Flossieturner Wed 03-Oct-18 08:11:16

Summer here on the first of October
Maybe the last day of using the mower
For the lucky few indeed
hopefully not single weed
Just hues of red gold and ochre.

A pretty princess from Windsor

Panache Wed 03-Oct-18 08:53:56

A pretty princess from Windsor
Her Wedding will surely not bore

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