Gransnet forums


Limericks 8

(1001 Posts)
Juliet27 Fri 28-Jun-19 18:28:05

Starting 8 with the end of 7

The neighbours are out in the garden today
Cutting grass with the mower they bought on Ebay
But the blades are too blunt
So they took a punt
And let the lawn turn to hay.

45 degrees! I know I'd not cope

crazyH Sat 13-Jul-19 17:07:06

The nettles grow faster than I can dig
So I've just come in for a swig
But the pain in my back
Tells me it's vitamins I lack

Amagran Sat 13-Jul-19 19:14:49

The nettles grow faster than I can dig
So I've just come in for a swig
But the pain in my back
Tells me it's vitamins I lack
Wait! Nettles are nourishing-I'll let them grow big

Oh no I've forgotten to put some wine to chill

Jangran99 Sat 13-Jul-19 19:19:39

The nettles grow faster than I can dig
So I've just come in for a swig
But the pain in my back
Means that I lack

Jangran99 Sat 13-Jul-19 19:21:07

Sorry, too much sun!

Oh no I've forgotten to put some wine to chill

crazyH Sat 13-Jul-19 20:09:15

Oh no I've forgotten to put some wine to chill
Drinking it warm is a licence to kill

Jangran99 Sat 13-Jul-19 20:22:22

Oh no I've forgotten to put some wine to chill
Drinking it warm is a licence to kill
I'll be shaken, not stirred

Amagran Sat 13-Jul-19 23:10:56

Oh no I've forgotten to put some wine to chill
Drinking it warm is a licence to kill
I'll be shaken, not stirred
My tongue will be furred

crazyH Sat 13-Jul-19 23:23:07

Oh no I've forgotten to put some wine to chill
Drinking it warm is a licence to kill
I'll be shaken, not stirred
My tongue will be furred
And to live, I shall lose the will

This heat is killing me anyway

Amagran Sat 13-Jul-19 23:34:51

This heat is killing me anyway
I long for an Icelandic getaway

crazyH Sat 13-Jul-19 23:39:55

This heat is killing me anyway
I long for an Icelandic getaway
Now that will suit me fine

Amagran Sun 14-Jul-19 00:04:53

This heat is killing me anyway
I long for an Icelandic getaway
Now that will suit me fine
We can have icy cool wine

crazyH Sun 14-Jul-19 00:13:34

This heat is killing me anyway
I long for an Icelandic getaway
Now that will suit me fine
We can have icy cool wine
And we'll dance the night away

My old electric fan is serving me well

Amagran Sun 14-Jul-19 08:17:42

My old electric fan is serving me well
I recall 4711 cologne stick icy gel

Grannycool52 Sun 14-Jul-19 08:48:45

I fancy a lolly

Grannycool52 Sun 14-Jul-19 08:49:52

My old electric fan is serving me well
I recall 4711 cologne stick icy gel
I fancy a lolly

henetha Sun 14-Jul-19 09:57:43

My old electric fan is serving me well
I recall 4711 cologne stick icy gel
I fancy a lolly
So I'll have one, by golly,

callgirl1 Sun 14-Jul-19 23:28:49

My old electric fan is serving me well
I recall 4711 cologne stick icy gel
I fancy a lolly
So I`ll have one, by golly,
The coolness will make me feel swell.

The ice cream van came round today,

FarNorth Mon 15-Jul-19 02:54:06

The ice cream van came round today,
I grabbed ten cones then sped away

BradfordLass72 Mon 15-Jul-19 07:28:41

The ice cream van came round today,
I grabbed ten cones then sped away
The ice cream's in my freezer

henetha Mon 15-Jul-19 10:24:31

The ice cream van came round today,
I grabbed ten cones then sped away
The ice cream's in my freezer
For me and the old geezer

callgirl1 Mon 15-Jul-19 21:35:36

The ice cream van came round today,
I grabbed ten cones then sped away
The ice cream`s in my freezer
For me and the old geezer
We`ll need it for a rainy day.

What games did you play as a child?

FarNorth Mon 15-Jul-19 22:46:34

What games did you play as a child?
Were you meek or were you running wild?

Amagran Mon 15-Jul-19 22:52:59

What games did you play as a child?
Were you meek or were you running wild?
We were outside all day

callgirl1 Tue 16-Jul-19 00:00:45

What games did you play as a child?
Were you meek or were you running wild?
We were outside all day
Making models from clay

Amagran Tue 16-Jul-19 00:19:02

What games did you play as a child?
Were you meek or were you running wild?
We were outside all day
Making models from clay
Leaving pristine paving defiled

One day a lonely woodworm left her floorboard home

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