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(1000 Posts)
Jangran99 Sat 02-Mar-19 17:12:48

Next limerick starter!

The best limericks are funny and clever

Elrel Sat 02-Mar-19 17:55:23

The best limericks are funny and clever
Are found among shamrocks, not heather,

BradfordLass72 Sun 03-Mar-19 02:05:08

The best limericks are funny and clever
Are found among shamrocks, not heather,
But the Irish are humerous

Jangran99 Sun 03-Mar-19 07:21:08

The best limericks are funny and clever
Are found among shamrocks, not heather,
But the Irish are humerous
Their virtues are numerous

FarNorth Sun 03-Mar-19 08:16:58

The best limericks are funny and clever
Are found among shamrocks, not heather,
But the Irish are humerous
Their virtues are numerous
and they certainly like a good blether.

I once saw a bright pink flamingo

Rosieroe Sun 03-Mar-19 08:21:02

I once saw a bright pink flamingo
With a haircut reminiscent of Ringo

travelsafar Sun 03-Mar-19 08:44:19

I once saw a bright pink flamingo
With a haircut reminiscent of Ringo
Not a short back and sides

travelsafar Sun 03-Mar-19 14:12:21

I once saw a bright pink flamingo
With a haircut reminiscent of Ringo
Not a short back and sides
A cut with a fringe to the eyes

Elrel Sun 03-Mar-19 14:19:38

I once saw a bright pink flamingo
With a haircut reminiscent of Ringo
Not a short back and sides
A cut with a fringe to the eyes,
And the voice of Placido Domingo

A Polish politician named Tusk

lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 03-Mar-19 15:12:17

A Polish politician named Tusk
was exceedingly fond of a rusk

FarNorth Mon 04-Mar-19 09:21:38

A Polish politician named Tusk
was exceedingly fond of a rusk
With a big glass of schnapps

henetha Mon 04-Mar-19 10:32:34

A Polish politician named Tusk
was exceedingly fond of a rusk
With a big glass of schnapps
He took lots of naps

Panache Mon 04-Mar-19 12:00:33

A Polish politician named Tusk
was exceedingly fond of a rusk
With a big glass of schnapps
He took lots of naps
In between time taken out to busk.

Storm Freya has left its calling card.

travelsafar Mon 04-Mar-19 18:37:25

Storm Freya has left its calling card
It has hit many people quite hard

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 05-Mar-19 09:04:17

Storm Freya has left its calling card
It has hit many people quite hard
I'm scared for my chimney

henetha Tue 05-Mar-19 10:57:15

Storm Freya has left its calling card
It has hit many people quite hard
I'm scared for my chimney
It'll fall down and hit me!

Panache Tue 05-Mar-19 12:10:28

Storm Freya has left its calling card
It has hit many people quite hard
I'm scared for my chimney
It'll fall down and hit me!
Thus hurting one great limerick bard!!

Talking of bards whom is your choice?

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 05-Mar-19 17:31:22

Talking of bards whom is your choice?
There are many to whom we give voice

Elrel Tue 05-Mar-19 20:44:38

Talking of bards whom is your choice?
There are many to whom we give voice
Hughes, Betjeman and Larkin,

Jangran99 Tue 05-Mar-19 23:32:24

Talking of bards whom is your choice?
There are many to whom we give voice
Hughes, Betjeman and Larkin,
It's Burns to whom I hearken

henetha Wed 06-Mar-19 10:39:34

Talking of bards whom is your choice?
There are many to whom we give voice
Hughes, Betjeman and Larkin,
It's Burns to whom I hearken
I'm often quite partial to James Joyce.

A fluffy pink elephant just flew by

FarNorth Wed 06-Mar-19 10:43:04

A fluffy pink elephant just flew by
Now a huge flock of penguins is filling the sky

Panache Wed 06-Mar-19 12:30:50

A fluffy pink elephant just flew by
Now a huge flock of penguins is filling the sky
The sun is certainly blinding ...

lovebeigecardigans1955 Wed 06-Mar-19 17:01:07

A fluffy pink elephant just flew by
Now a huge flock of penguins is filling the sky
The sun is certainly hiding
Is the Duke of E hiding?

Bellanonna Wed 06-Mar-19 23:42:01

A fluffy pink elephant just flew by
Now a huge flock of penguins is filling the sky
The sun is certainly blinding
Is the Duke of E hiding?
No, he’s out shooting game, the bad guy!

There’s a strange little man by the lake

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