Gransnet forums


Alphabetical Acronyms *3*

(1000 Posts)
eGJ Wed 15-Mar-23 18:13:37

Very well eXpressed

eGJ Wed 15-Mar-23 18:14:05

Yellow zebras? Amazing!

SachaMac Wed 15-Mar-23 18:26:23

Blooming cold day

eGJ Wed 15-Mar-23 22:03:19

Expecting fresh gales

henetha Wed 15-Mar-23 23:25:59

Harry is jumping

eGJ Thu 16-Mar-23 06:21:42

Keep loving mother

GrandmaSeaDragon Thu 16-Mar-23 06:50:29

No other people

SachaMac Thu 16-Mar-23 17:12:52

Quarterly reports sent

eGJ Thu 16-Mar-23 17:23:41

Took umbrage violently

eGJ Fri 17-Mar-23 20:25:39

eXtract your zip

henetha Fri 17-Mar-23 23:35:32

A blooming camelia

SachaMac Sat 18-Mar-23 09:46:17

Leading inspiring actor

SachaMac Sat 18-Mar-23 21:52:15

Didn’t expect frost

crazyH Sat 18-Mar-23 21:54:56

Getting happier inside

nanna8 Sat 18-Mar-23 21:57:43

Jumping kangaroos leaping

eGJ Sat 18-Mar-23 23:03:19

More normal octopuses

henetha Sat 18-Mar-23 23:18:48

People quite ready

GrandmaSeaDragon Sat 18-Mar-23 23:59:59

Are dahlias yellow?

henetha Sun 19-Mar-23 03:37:45

Logging on windows

eGJ Sun 19-Mar-23 12:44:12

From henetha
State useless version

eGJ Mon 20-Mar-23 18:03:57

Watched X-files yesterday

SachaMac Mon 20-Mar-23 18:05:41

Zooming around Britain

eGJ Mon 20-Mar-23 18:07:15

Cherish delicate eggshells

GrandmaSeaDragon Mon 20-Mar-23 19:55:06

Apologies for the error at midnight- really shouldn’t be playing on iPad at that time!

Feel good holiday

eGJ Mon 20-Mar-23 20:02:58

Inspect jumping kangaroos

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