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Allergy testing

(17 Posts)
Lucca Mon 20-Sep-21 05:17:50

Has anyone done this with any success ?

CafeAuLait Mon 20-Sep-21 06:48:50

Allergy testing can be a mixed bag. If you test positive, you're allergic. If you don't, then you could still be allergic. If it's an intolerance rather than a true allergy, you won't test positive. What kind of testing are you meaning? There are a few different approaches.

Lucca Mon 20-Sep-21 12:55:09

Actually I don’t know !! I ve just been diagnosed with diverticulosis and wondered if anything sparked flare ups.

CafeAuLait Mon 20-Sep-21 13:13:22

You could try an allergy test and maybe it will show something. If it's an intolerance though, chances are it's going to take trial and error to figure out any intolerances. I believe the main options with a doctor are blood tests (RAST or other) and the scratch test. One of my children had a RAST test done at my request but he tested negative. Possibly because I'd figured it out by then, taken it out of his diet and he wasn't really exposed to that allergen anymore. More likely because he has an intolerance rather than a true allergy. He did get hives and skin issues that went away when I figured it out. You could look up the success rates of different types of testing.

Peasblossom Mon 20-Sep-21 13:22:43

Allergy and intolerance are often used interchangeably but an allergy n medical terms will result in rashes and respiratory tract difficulties, from itchy eyes and a runny nose (mild) through hives and wheezing and ultimately necrosis and anaphylaxis.

IBS is really about digestive intolerance and Id be dubious that would show up on skin tests. A controlled exclusion diet is the best way to go for that.

Lucca Mon 20-Sep-21 16:48:07

Thanks. “ . A controlled exclusion diet is the best way to go for that.”. I know that really I just don’t know if I have the discipline for that !

Peasblossom Mon 20-Sep-21 17:10:04

No, it was jolly difficult. I was very hungry.

And sometimes I still eat the problem and suffer afterwards?

MerylStreep Mon 20-Sep-21 17:42:06

Diverticulosis has nothing to do with allergies. The problem is food getting in the pouches and literally festering which will bring on an attack. The worst I’ve had was when my OH had to call an ambulance and I was taken to hospital.

Lucca Mon 20-Sep-21 18:28:48

Meryl. That is interesting thanks ! What diet do you follow ? I was given a leaflet which just basically says eat lots of fruit and veg etc etc ….standard healthy eating advice.

MerylStreep Mon 20-Sep-21 18:44:43

Aah, the leaflets ? I’m assuming you’ve read up on the pouches? They’re the evil little b#@#£&ds that cause the problem. The worst things are pips and seeds. I discovered years ago that ( for me) tomatoes pips were a massive trigger.
It must be about 3/4 years ago since I had a bad attack.
But, at that time I went on a symprove probiotic to sort out my gut flora first. Unfortunately it’s not cheap but worth every penny. The science behind this product really stacks up.
Have you had an attack yet?

But remember, just because you’ve been diagnosed with it, it doesn’t mean you will have an attack.
If you want to pm that’s fine.

Lucca Mon 20-Sep-21 20:21:21

My leaflet says the seeds thing is a myth !!

Lucca Mon 20-Sep-21 20:21:50

Yes I will pm you please!

MerylStreep Mon 20-Sep-21 20:45:43

All I know is it worked for me ?
The PMs are fine.

Blondiescot Mon 20-Sep-21 20:49:46

MerylStreep and Lucca, I also have DD and I am a huge fan of Symprove. Yes, it is expensive, but if you do the subscription service, it works out a lot cheaper. For me, it's proved to be worth every penny as it has literally been life-changing. Before, I could only eat a very limited diet and was in almost constant pain - to the extent that I often wondered if it was worth carrying on. Now I can lead a much more normal life and eat a much wider diet. Happy to answer any further questions.

Blondiescot Mon 20-Sep-21 20:50:58

Oh, and just a thought, but if you happen to be on Facebook, join the Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis UK Based Support Group - full of friendly folk who genuinely understand what you're going through, and a great source of help, advice and often much-needed laughs.

Lucca Mon 20-Sep-21 20:59:45


Oh, and just a thought, but if you happen to be on Facebook, join the Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis UK Based Support Group - full of friendly folk who genuinely understand what you're going through, and a great source of help, advice and often much-needed laughs.

Oh I have but find it confusing and frankly depressing

sadel Mon 13-Dec-21 15:02:43

There is a talk on about allergies and why there has been a rise in allergies by a Stanford academic happening this Thursday evening: