Gransnet forums


Watching the pennies

(4 Posts)
Beancounter Thu 14-Mar-13 18:48:32

When money is tight, are your beauty treatments the first things to go, or do you believe its important to always find the money to look good ?

Beancounter Tue 19-Mar-13 19:03:31

Do you sometimes feel you are ripped off? Does it make your blood boil?
Parking charges are the Bee in my Bonnet today - I've just paid £9 for 3 hours. That equates to £72 a day, £500 a week, over £2000 a month - I could rent a very nice place for that!

Angie44 Sun 07-Apr-13 18:34:42

Absoloutely essential to look good, it boosts morale and makes you feel so much better about yourself and the world- I'd rather go hungry!!

Sandygran Sun 07-Apr-13 20:53:13

Have cut the money I spend on clothes but I will not give up my hair appointments. I think it gives you a real boost and if I can't afford any treats I might be slim as well!