Gransnet forums


So much local news to discuss...where to start?

(5 Posts)
Pittcity Tue 19-Nov-13 11:47:47

There has been so much in the local news recently that it is hard to start a topical discussion.
But yesterday's U turn by the council on the turning off of street lights between 12 and 5am really riled me. I was looking forward to it because I have a street light right outside my bedroom window and a few hours without an amber glow would be lovely....purely personal I know!!

Pittcity Wed 20-Nov-13 16:47:51

Now they are going off on 1st December.

Pittcity Mon 02-Dec-13 11:13:29

Came home from the
Gransnet meetup in Edinburgh and the lights were off. Our taxi had to slow down at a bend where everyone speeds... a good thing and my bedroom was much darker... smile

Pittcity Fri 06-Dec-13 19:45:54

I noticed that the lights did not go out last night so that the emergency services could see to work during the storm.

Pittcity Fri 17-Jan-14 08:05:34

Now Tendring are following suit on 26th January.