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Boyan Choir-Sept 30th

(8 Posts)
Maniac Mon 29-Sep-14 17:03:46 to see 3 photos of this choir .If you wish to know of their venues in your area send me a private message.

constance Mon 29-Sep-14 19:12:16

Hi Maniac - I managed to put a picture on the listing. Hope you enjoy the concert - sounds like you have seen them before?

Jane390 Mon 29-Sep-14 20:36:19

It will great I am really looking forward to it.

constance Tue 30-Sep-14 08:55:03

Lovely. Hope it goes well.

constance Fri 03-Oct-14 09:57:44

So, how was it?

Maniac Sun 05-Oct-14 12:46:19

I thought it was amazing as ever -but I'm biased.
At 6.p.m.the choir were still at Cribbs Causeway !!
Arrived soon -had a short warm-up practice and were on stage at 7.30 pm
st Georges was only only approx half full (seats over 500) but audience were very appreciative -rapturous applause -standing ovation.
I've heard from three new hosts who thoroughly enjoyed the experience.and would like to hear them again.-
They are in Penzance today. 15 more venues to come!

Jane390 Sun 05-Oct-14 13:52:44

It was an inspirational evening, wonderful voices.
If you get the opportunity to go and see them I highly recommend it.
I was also very privileged to host two members who were delightful, although very, very little English, we got by.
Music and laughter has no language barrier.

constance Mon 06-Oct-14 12:07:52

How lovely! Sounds as though it was a top night. I hope the rest of their tour goes well.

I do like it when you have a chance to host or meet people from overseas, even if it means a bit of tidying up.