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EmilyGransnet (GNHQ) Wed 26-Nov-14 16:02:44

The Benefits of Yoga in the Menopause

The number of women who begin practising yoga after the age of 40 is on the rise with women realising that yoga is the perfect way to reduce the discomforts associated with menopause and ageing. Various studies conducted across the world have proven that the life expectancy of women practising yoga is much higher when compared to non-practitioners.

Cheryl MacDonald, founder of Yoga Bellies yoga classes, tells us how practising yoga can help to ease the symptoms of the menopause as well as being beneficial to your overall health.

Cheryl MacDonald

Countrywide yoga classes

Posted on: Wed 26-Nov-14 16:02:44


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Yoga is proven to be beneficial to women of all ages.

The benefits that can be reaped from yoga are far higher for women than men since women tend to experience hormonal fluctuations throughout life. The hormonal changes we experience in menopause are the same hormones affecting us during menstruation, often causing PMS.

So how can yoga help women before and during menopause?

Stress Reduction and blood pressure reduction: Yoga controls breathing, which in turn reduces anxiety. It also clears all the negative feelings and thoughts from the mind leading to reduction of depression. It is a proven effective method to reduce and control anger. When practicing yoga regularly the overall sense of calmness increases and as a result a happier, stress-free life can be led. Regular yoga practice also reduces high blood pressure and promotes oxygenation and blood circulation in the body. Vasana (corpse pose) is perfect for allowing yourself to relax and just bring our attention to the breath. By taking our focus away from the stresses and strains of the outside world, we focus on what’s happening now and on managing any anxieties.

Regular yoga practice reduces high blood pressure and promotes oxygenation and blood circulation in the body.

Ease physical pain and discomfort: Yoga practitioners are known to have higher pain tolerance. Aches and pains associated with menopause can be eased along with any back pain, chronic pain or neck pain.  A gentle practice of the flowing Surya Namaskara (sun salutations) helps to increase
flexibility in the joints and works every muscle in the body, a complete physical and emotional work out in itself. Try practising 5-10 rounds per day, even if you don’t have time for other yoga you will experience dramatic relief from general aches and pains.

Hot flushes during the menopause are caused by an excess of pitta (fire) in the body and that has to come out! General asanas (yoga postures), which help for this include; Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana (half bound lotus pose), Ardha matsyendrasana (half lord of the fishes pose),
and Supta padmasana (reclined or sleeping lotus pose.) Movements should be slow and weight bearing, paying close attention to the rhythm of the breath and position of the tongue to the roof of the palate during practice. This allows the mind to become calm and stabilize.

At YogaBellies we have seen a large increase in the number of women in their 50s and 60s coming along to ease the troubles associated with the menopause. When it comes to physical exercise, women see yoga as much less intimidating than say, Zumba or Pilates. It’s something that can be
practised long into our later years and no matter what your level of practice, everyone gets something from yoga – so don’t be afraid to give it a try.

Cheryl MacDonald has been practising yoga since she was 17 years old and has always been fascinated by all things yoga, birth and baby.  Cheryl has a Degree in International Business and Modern Languages and has completed her 200 hours Hatha Raja Yoga Teacher Training Programme with Chi Yoga School.  Founded in Glasgow, Yoga Bellies now have classes all over the UK, to see if there is one near you, visit the website here

By Cheryl MacDonald
