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The Poverty of Brexit

(1001 Posts)
whitewave Fri 09-Feb-18 08:52:13

Poverty of ideas
Poverty of economy

It seems that NI is as useless said to stay in the Single Market according to EU draft.

Expect a major row from the headbangers and denial from Number 10

Round and around we go.

Tegan2 Tue 20-Mar-18 11:09:34

I've started listening to R4 a lot and this morning an interviewer came down very hard on IDS [why oh why weren't interviewers like this prior to the referendum?] when IDS argued that food would be cheaper after we leave the EU. The interviewer argued that this wasn't going to be the case. Strangely enough, one of the examples used was sugar and how good it would be to take tariffs off imported sugar. So,hurrah, we can all afford to eat lots more sugar. That should sort out lots of the nations problems....confused...

MaizieD Tue 20-Mar-18 11:35:54

Didn't David Davis used to work for Tate & Lyle.

Cane sugar processor adversely affected by EU tarrifs and a Brexit supporter


whitewave Tue 20-Mar-18 11:40:41

Get rid of cane sugar tariffs and our sugar beet farmers will go under. That protection by the EU is for our own farmers. It is there for good reason.

MaizieD Tue 20-Mar-18 11:54:09

Playing devil's advocate here but the tariffs on cane sugar did badly affect some of our former colonies which were very dependent on the sugar industry.

Tegan2 Tue 20-Mar-18 12:41:29

Yes; they mentioned the sugar beet farmers in the interview. I'm afraid I was half asleep listening to it so didn't take in all the facts. I believe [I still can't watch it these days] that even Question Time was quite balanced this week. Why oh why were all these questions /concerns not being raised/asked prior to the referendum??

MaizieD Tue 20-Mar-18 13:17:17

It seems from this 2017 article that the sugar beet industry wasn't too worried:

I'd post an extract but it's determinedly protecting its copyright. Scroll down for comment from the sugar beet producers organisation

whitewave Tue 20-Mar-18 14:54:29

Powerful words from Tom London on the CA /Brexit/trump scandal.

“Democracy is not an either/or state. Countries lie on a continuum “less” or “more” democratic.

Both the UK and US although they are democracies, are seriously flawed democracies.

We are complacent. There is a serious risk in both countries that it could get a lot worse.

whitewave Tue 20-Mar-18 15:06:41

It is so important to support the independent Guardian.

In getting the Cambridge Analytica story out they had to fight off 3 legal fights. 2 from CA and one from Facebook.

Sterling work which would NEVER have been pursued by the right wing press.

Tegan2 Tue 20-Mar-18 16:21:38

Gove was talking about fishing today; don't know how he has the gall to do that when even his own father pointed out that he had lied during the referendum campaign regarding his father going out of business due to the EU.

whitewave Tue 20-Mar-18 16:31:22

They all seem to lie

Welshwife Tue 20-Mar-18 17:04:04

I just hate liars. - never ever trust a word they say afterwards.

whitewave Tue 20-Mar-18 17:28:20

Brexit impact for those not yet aware

durhamjen Tue 20-Mar-18 17:29:49

durhamjen Tue 20-Mar-18 17:34:42

Why are there no FT readers telling us that 1 in 7 EU companies are already moving their supply chains out of the UK?

whitewave Tue 20-Mar-18 17:35:19


Tegan2 Tue 20-Mar-18 20:15:11

Is anyone else finding that various names mentioned in this Cambridge Analytica [sp] also seem to crop up with regards the referendum. Breitbart is one; the company that is behind Question Time. I've always wanted to know where they get all of the very nasty, vocal brexiteers from that appear on the programme week after week. I seem to remember someone in the audience of one of the debates prior to the referendum not being what she said she was [did someone on here point out who she actually was?].

MaizieD Tue 20-Mar-18 20:38:28

OMG [shock} The Information Commissioner still hasn't found a judge to get a warrant to go into CA's HQ.

This is beyond belief.

What is happening? Is there a cover up in operation?

MaizieD Tue 20-Mar-18 20:38:51

That should be shock...

whitewave Tue 20-Mar-18 20:40:49

I don’t believe it! There is always a judge - they need to speak out.

Blimey what is happening to this country?

durhamjen Tue 20-Mar-18 20:41:56

Twice this month I've had to grit my teeth when going to the cinema and seeing the film was made by Fox, Tegan.
Murdoch is another one who has a finger in every pie.

MaizieD Tue 20-Mar-18 20:45:38

There's a graphic on twitter here which shows the connections Tegan

If you're on twitter you can follow the hashtag #CambridgeAnalyticaUSA for lots of information...

Tegan2 Tue 20-Mar-18 22:24:24

So why is the British news media only focussing on the link with the American Presidential Election? Jen; Murdoch has been very quiet recently hasn't seems to me that most of the blame seems to be aimed at facebook; I know they're at fault here but not as much as CambridgeAnalytica.

MaizieD Tue 20-Mar-18 23:07:33

I suspect that the UK media is more sympathetic to those who would like to get rid of Trump than they are to casting doubt on the validity of The Will Of The People...

durhamjen Tue 20-Mar-18 23:22:13

A Fox News analyst left now, saying he is ashamed of working for it!

durhamjen Tue 20-Mar-18 23:34:48

This is by the same reporter who produced the reports on Cambridge Analytica.
Murdoch is still trying to get his hands on the rest of Sky. Ofcom haven't said no yet, I don't think.

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