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The Spyware on Your Phone that could End Democracy | George Monbiot

(4 Posts)
Grany Fri 03-Dec-21 21:20:15

Makes me want to give up my phone get a basic model

Grany Fri 03-Dec-21 21:20:32

OnwardandUpward Fri 03-Dec-21 21:37:48

Very George Orwell. I've suspected this for a while, that the goverment can listen in. Even the iPhone uses Facial recognition and has for a while.

There is no such thing about freedom of speech and hasn't been for a while. Even when some people thought they were using a site like Telegram, I said yes you can use the site and have freedom of speech but the government can read everything you write.

MerylStreep Fri 03-Dec-21 21:46:37

I think I can probably go back about 5 years to when I became aware of it.